“You don’t mean it,” he whispered with his lips close to - TopicsExpress


“You don’t mean it,” he whispered with his lips close to Sinclair’s elegant neck. When she didn’t pull away or state any further resistance, Paul reached out to her placing both hands around her waist. His physical touch caused a flood of emotions for Sinclair. Her mind tensed although her body relaxed sending a contradictory message to her heart. She followed her first mental instinct which was to turn sharply on her heels and slap Paul firmly across the face. He accepted it without rebuttal, but he never let go of her. Their eyes met in that moment. Paul’s loving and lust laden gaze was unwavering. He forgave Sinclair for physically striking out. Her actions were understandable given the circumstances. Sinclair tried to pull her gaze away, not wanting to feel his penetrating stare. Her eyes became glassy with pained tears and after a few time halting moments Sinclair turned away from Paul. A single tear stained her cheek and her heart began to ache in such a way that she couldn’t control it. Sinclair’s body started to tremble as the full weight of the day and all the pain she felt erupted and spilled over. Paul strengthened his previously tender touch, holding her so she wouldn’t topple. He let her cry and she let him hold her. After a few tear stained moments, Paul gently lifted her chin forcing her clouded eyes to find his face once again. Sinclair looked through her tears into Paul’s dark consoling eyes. He leaned down and kissed her moist cheek tasting her pain. He did the same to her other cheek and the wall Sinclair hoped to build around her heart started to crumble. Before he kissed her gently on the lips, Paul leveled his gaze and spoke volumes to her without saying a word. This time she listened – her mind quieting to the truth of the man that was standing in front of her. His kiss chipped at her soul and she fell prey to his passion. Feeling her tension giving away completely, Paul kissed her deeply and she kissed him in return. The two stood still in that moment and allowed their forbidden lust to flourish, but only for a moment. Sinclair momentarily let go of the day’s troubles and languished under Paul’s penetrating touch. Subconsciously, she knew how wrong it was, but in that moment, she failed to care. And just as quickly as she relinquished, thoughts of Tyson crossed her mind. She pulled away from Paul’s lips and then from his grasp. amazon/Let-the-Church-Say-ebook/dp/B00COP23EK/ref=sr_1_1_bnp_1_kin?ie=UTF8&qid=1372003594&sr=8-1&keywords=let+the+church+say+by+deidra+d+s+green
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 23:50:42 +0000

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