Your Last Pot of Oil Deacon Bernadine White Scripture: 2 Kings - TopicsExpress


Your Last Pot of Oil Deacon Bernadine White Scripture: 2 Kings 4:1-7 1 Now the wife of the son of one of the men who tell what will happen in the future cried out to Elisha, “Your servant, my husband, is dead. You know that your servant honored the Lord with fear. But the man to whom he owed money has come to take my two children to make them serve him.” 2 Elisha said to her, “What can I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in the house?” And she said, “Your woman servant has nothing in the house except a jar of oil.” 3 Then he said, “Go around and get jars from all your neighbors. Get empty jars, many of them. 4 Then go in and shut the door behind you and your sons. Pour the oil into all these jars, and set aside each one that is full.” 5 So she went from him and shut the door behind her and her sons. They took the jars to her, and she poured. 6 When the jars were full, she said to her son, “Bring me another jar.” And he said to her, “There is not one jar left.” Then the oil stopped flowing. 7 She came and told the man of God. And he said, “Go and sell the oil and pay what you owe. You and your sons can live on the rest.” A young minister was perplexed with trying to give spiritual advice to another fellow seminary student, without sounding haughty or insensitive; as well as keeping in mind the ultimate goal of always remembering to point others toward God, when correction is in order. This student, like the rest, was experiencing financial struggles during school; the cost of housing, school, food, etc., and this void was one that he was not willing to take to God in prayer, but instead lamented constantly and burdened and imposed on others who seemed to be more fortunate then himself; rather than working for his own needs and being appreciative of what God had provided for him already. One night during the student’s private prayer time, he desperately asked God, one more time, to show him how he could approach his fellow student and explain, through scripture, how God wants us to depend on God for direction to meet all of our needs. The next morning after his morning prayer, he decided to listen to a CD of a sermon, which he had purchased several months ago, but had not listened to it because of his schedule. The sermon was coming from 2 Kings 4:1-7 v. Here was the answer to his prayer at last! Even though he had heard this scripture in its entirety before, the author of the sermon had given new poetic license to an old familiar story. Revelation through the Holy Spirit had given him the tools necessary to speak to his friend concerning the Will of God for his life and in the process he received a blessing and instruction for himself ….a double portion of Grace through Jesus! The story of this widowed woman, taught them both that before you begin asking for a Word from the Lord, you would be better off expecting a Prophetic Inquiry from God! First, reflect on the times God had always requested of his servants prophetic questions: Adam, “Who told you were naked?”; Woman, “Where is your husband?”; Peter, “Do you Love Me?”; Peter, “Who do you say that I AM?” This is saying to the people of God to start doing introspect; ask yourself what and who do you represent? Before you ask something of others, ask how you can use your gifts from the Holy Spirit to be of service to them… Second, be grateful of your present portion; that which God has already given you; express openly your gratitude toward Christ for what portions you do have; stop looking at the glass half full. God will satisfy your needs when you show HGod how grateful you are for the provision God has already granted you. Have a public encounter or testimony with the right people so that God can ignite a miracle in your situation and bless you beyond your imagination; enough to sustain you throughout times of indebtness with excess to share. Prayer: Jehovah Jirah, Our Provider.. you are more than enough…teach us, Oh God, to put what we have in your hands so that you will Protect and Sanctify All Things for Your Will, that we may become participants in Spiritual Kingdom building…for Little in Your Hands is Much… In the Powerful Name of Jesus the Christ…AMEN! Thought for the Day: What question does God have for you today?
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 14:48:16 +0000

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