here are things that you need to do first, before you start - TopicsExpress


here are things that you need to do first, before you start writing. The good news is that doing them will make it quicker and easier to say what you need to say in your proposal. Before you start writing, make sure you: Make contact with the customer. Ideally you should have a relationship with the customer. It might be rare, but sometimes it makes sense to bid on something you found out about when the RFP was released. But even then, you should at least make contact with the customer. If not you, then someone else at your company. You might not learn anything, but then again you might. And you’ll be more than a document to the customer. Don’t bid without making contact. Maximize your information advantage. Gather what you know about the customer, opportunity, and competitive environment. Assess the information and convert it into points you want to make, reasons, and details to include in your response. Put special emphasis on what you know that your competitors might not know. Make sure that every part of your proposal shows the customer that you know more than what was in the RFP. Are able to explain how the customer’s evaluation process will impact what you need to write. If they included the evaluation criteria in the RFP, how does that impact what you say and how you say it? What does it tell you about the process the customer will go through in evaluating the proposals? Can you anticipate what their evaluation forms will look like? What should you say throughout your proposal that will help them evaluate your proposal so that you earn the highest score? Demonstrate that you understand what it will take to win. What would the winning proposal look like? What would the winning offering contain? What do you need to do to get from here to there? What do you need to do in every sentence to reflect what it will take to win? Are able to explain what the customer is going to get from what you are offering. The customer wants more than...
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 12:16:01 +0000

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