https://youtube/watch?v=bLgSGdZEaYA Even the flowers weep at - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=bLgSGdZEaYA Even the flowers weep at the door of the grave: the Son of man has been buried there, and our hopes are so frail. How could he just leave us to the world? We could not believe he had died. Was he the King of Jews after all? The flowers weep, and so do I. Truly, this man was the Son of God, the Roman officer witnessed his death, curtain of the temple was torn in half and the Rabbi was dead, just as hed said. Three days of desperation have passed since Jesus was killed. Stories of an empty grave are told, yet we could not believe. Our lives are suddenly filled with void, that woman, she must have been lying. Were not we told of his suffering? All day and night we just moan. Are you only man in Jerusalem who does not know what has happened in these few days? Wake up, realize, Messiah is alive! Great song from old Bleakwails EP. Unfortanelly, their vocalist turned hardcore satanist some months ago. All we can do is pray for him to back to Lord. / Betrayed
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 20:32:56 +0000

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