i really want to hear anyones opinion on this matter! have any - TopicsExpress


i really want to hear anyones opinion on this matter! have any of you heard of the prime directive on a show called star trek? or of its equivalent, the zoo hypothesis? basically, they both state that all or most civilizations which have advanced to the point where they can visit other planets, and therefore other civilizations, practice an ethical code whereby they cannot intervene in the development of other, less advanced civilizations (such as ours--we would be considered a civilization still in its adolescence). i think this is actually what is the universal reality because it otherwise seems absurd to me that we have not had any interaction with extraterrestrial intelligence. a friend of mine who i am debating with over this matter says that mine is not a plausible explanation, because the more ethical course of action would be for an extraterrestrial intelligence to intervene in our development, since we are destroying our ecosystem and incurring all forms of suffering. while this seems like a pretty good objection to my stance, i still think that there is some overriding principle, that no matter what, there is something more moral or beautiful about letting a closed natural system remain closed in its evolution, and that every species which acquires abstract thought has to go through a rite of passage, so to speak, in understanding what it means to exercise its intelligence judiciously / morally.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 01:49:56 +0000

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