Alyksandria Michelle Farmer Posts - TopicsExpress


Posts by Alyksandria Michelle Farmer

It really bothers me that last night I posted a video at midnight
It really bothers me that last night I posted a video at midnight of westen. And since midnight its had 130 views and still counting... and 13 likes. ...
I may be alone on this, but I really dont care. I think its
I may be alone on this, but I really dont care. I think its absolutely disgusting that Miss Kardashians greased up naked ass can be plastered all over...
The amazing benefits of my job. When I had a late or long night I
The amazing benefits of my job. When I had a late or long night I can just relax on my couch the next morning and watch the destruction of toys unfold...
It kills me inside when I see careless decisions made by parents..
It kills me inside when I see careless decisions made by parents.. Especially when those decisions can highly impact your child is so many ways.. poss...
So... Westen and I just went on a toy shopping spree tonight. I
So... Westen and I just went on a toy shopping spree tonight. I grabbed this doll thinking how much the little girl I watch would love it! Before I co...
Welp just got out of the shower, and the verdict is... im still
Welp just got out of the shower, and the verdict is... im still blue lol but not too bad. At least the color is out of my hair. With all the walking a...

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