Mike Flynn Posts - TopicsExpress


Posts by Mike Flynn

Ladies and gentlemen, introducing Dwight Reinhardt! This
Ladies and gentlemen, introducing Dwight Reinhardt! This up-and-comer comes to us as an independent solo act, but in his message to me he indicated th...
Ladies and gentlemen, Derek David Van Dyke! Opening acts David Van
Ladies and gentlemen, Derek David Van Dyke! Opening acts David Van Dyke and John Mitchell! And, just so youre familiar… Have you ever said or hear...
Ladies and gentlemen, Alan Hamilton. Influences: Jeff Curtis and
Ladies and gentlemen, Alan Hamilton. Influences: Jeff Curtis and at least one other (I have to type these faster)! We look forward to the show! And, ...
Ladies and gentlemen, Michael A. Baron! Opening act, Jim Massara,
Ladies and gentlemen, Michael A. Baron! Opening act, Jim Massara, plus two others whom Ive already forgotten between clicking add and coming to this p...
Ladies and gentlemen -- Jim Massara. Hes friends with six of my
Ladies and gentlemen -- Jim Massara. Hes friends with six of my friends (the unknown supergroup Greenberger, Shaw, Lerer, Sanderson, Batty and Mason),...
Ladies and gentlemen, introducing Matthew Jenkins! He says he has
Ladies and gentlemen, introducing Matthew Jenkins! He says he has a friend whose posts hes seen, but Facebook wouldnt tell me who it was, so I had to ...
Ladies and gentlemen, John Tieppo -- opening act Dave
Ladies and gentlemen, John Tieppo -- opening act Dave Odrowski. And, just so youre familiar... Have you ever said or heard or read something and sai...

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