Sara Tee Posts - TopicsExpress


Posts by Sara Tee

Without any fear of contradiction on whatsoever the dead of my
Without any fear of contradiction on whatsoever the dead of my MAMA is never ordinary I have this strong feelings that she was use for end of year sac...
We early envisage fighting military regime in Nigeria into the
We early envisage fighting military regime in Nigeria into the winds and fighting to become a thing of the pass thereby soliciting for civilian rule t...
Education is the bedrock of an independent nation therefore the
Education is the bedrock of an independent nation therefore the feature of a nation lies on the seriousness the government of the nation have for educ...
No matter the several shortcomings we have come through as a
No matter the several shortcomings we have come through as a nation, we sworn to uphold anyday and any time the principle of democracy because the goo...
Before I was told but I find it very hard to believe and if you
Before I was told but I find it very hard to believe and if you like called me doughting Thomas I agree but mind you, Thomas in the bible on the other...
One of the profound and cardinal root causes why Nigeria despit of
One of the profound and cardinal root causes why Nigeria despit of her level of independence 1st of October 1960 is rated as an dependent nation in th...
Despit the huddles and negative factors militating against the
Despit the huddles and negative factors militating against the progress of Nigeria as the giant of Africa. I strongly believe the number one factor ou...
Few days from now Nigeria will be celebrating 53 years of gainning
Few days from now Nigeria will be celebrating 53 years of gainning independence from her ex-colonial masters the same vein Nigeria will be ...
The KKKs also known as the Knight Ku klux klan has been in
The KKKs also known as the Knight Ku klux klan has been in existence for the pass 500 years. and it all started way back in the United state of Americ...

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