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Let truth, beauty and love be your guide. Truth is found in the
Let truth, beauty and love be your guide. Truth is found in the exaltation and protection of beauty. Beauty is like a pristine peak on the landscape o...
Authors & Page Owners! Submit your writings and reach our
Authors & Page Owners! Submit your writings and reach our community and all of our social outlets over and over as our system regularly publishes to ...
I’m fat. In this moment and in this space, I am fat. I’m not
I’m fat. In this moment and in this space, I am fat. I’m not writing that to get some sort of band of brothers to rally behind me and boost my ego...
The best way to heal yourself? Heal others. I don’t believe we
The best way to heal yourself? Heal others. I don’t believe we can escape our past. My brother and mother tried it, and it didn’t work. We have to...
Having a purpose is one thing, but the quickening is a total
Having a purpose is one thing, but the quickening is a total animation of passion. After becoming mindful that your purpose is unique to you; that you...
Life is nothing short of a phenomenon. In every sense life is
Life is nothing short of a phenomenon. In every sense life is mysterious and unfathomable. Life is so big. Do not try to fill it. Instead, expand with...

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