soo, I just got finished reading Misery and Im gonna say that it - TopicsExpress


soo, I just got finished reading Misery and Im gonna say that it was definitely the most horrifying book by SK that Ive read so far. Ive read maybe 10-12 books by him and none have made me feel so many conflicting emotions all at once like this one. The mere concept of the story alone is terrifying much less having to read further and further into the psyche of Annie Wilkes. Every time she appeared in the story suddenly this sense of dread rushed through me and I felt as if I was Paul Sheldon! Some of the parts disturbed me to the point where I wanted to put it down for a little while (and Ive read American Psycho, okay?!) its just the sheer insanity of this woman is what makes her so damn frightening. one more thing im gonna say before this turns into an essay; Stephen King is such an amazing writer that at certain points in the book when Annie would be criticizing (or punishing) Paul for going out of his room I would actually have this fleeting moment of, for lack of a better term, shes-right-hes-wrong kind of thing. And I would actually feel like I could understand why she was upset. Its total psychological and emotional manipulation! Anyways, this book was a rollercoaster from start to finish and I just had to get these thoughts out in the open. Also, Ive never actually felt so badly for a character in my entire life like I felt for Paul Sheldon. Completely helpless, completely alone all at the hands of a very unstable human being. That part where he can hear her slapping herself from the other room: UGH!!
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 04:36:46 +0000

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