( spondylosis ) ( degeneration of discs ) مرض خشونة - TopicsExpress


( spondylosis ) ( degeneration of discs ) مرض خشونة الفقرات ( تآكل غضاريف الفقرات ) Defined roughness paragraphs: This is a gradual process of erosion in cartilage and private vertebrae which is characterized by freedom of movement such as the vertebrae of the neck and lumbar spine, and works friction caused by the movement of these paragraphs to erosion Gdharifaa on a long period of time (several years)Reasons to help cartilage erosion paragraphs: -- Advancing age.- Diabetes.- Excess movement of the vertebrae and hard work.How did the process of erosion of cartilage paragraphs: -Consists of cartilage between the vertebrae of gelatinous material (nucleus pulposus) and this article is surrounded by a circular fabric Levy (annulus fibrosus) and covered from the top and bottom of the cartilage layer, and function of this cartilage in several points are: -Provide sufficient space between paragraphs for the exit of the nerves to the parties of holes nervous and less breadth of these holes if the erosion of cartilage and said space between paragraphs so it will put pressure on these nerves.Prevent friction between the vertebrae themselves.Distribution of loads on the spine and shock absorbers if exposure backbone to intense pressure or sudden shock.In disease erosion paragraphs happen erosion of Article fibrous external cartilage and under increasing pressure article gelatinous interior it will lead to cut and get out of this article gelatinous to click on adjacent tissues, especially spinal cord and nerves and as weakest in Article Fibroids are external parts and part rear direction of the pressure to be in one of these directions.Symptoms of cartilage erosion paragraphs:First: the cervical spine: -- Pressure on the ligaments occurs in paragraphs neck with a pressure on the spinal cord or nerves feeding one or both arms depending on the direction of the pressure causing the following occurs:Mother - numbness - Khaddlan - atrophy and muscle weakness - in the sense of deficiency.- It is possible that all these symptoms occur or syndrome occurs without the other and, of course, these symptoms are often in the shoulder area and the scapula and parts of the arm and chest.- And often occurs this erosion in the cervical spine between the third paragraph to the seventh paragraph as it more paragraphs on freedom of movement.Second: the roughness lumbar spine: -As a result download severe and frequent movement of these paragraphs, the erosion of cartilage may occur often in most lumbar and is five paragraphs, but the most vulnerable to this erosion is the fourth paragraph and fifth lumbar (L4-L5) and the fifth paragraph cotton and first sacral (L5 - S1) and the symptoms in one or both legs with the possibility of a pain in the lower back or lack of it.Note: the patient may suffer from the pain of the legs as a result of the erosion in the lumbar cartilage without feeling lower back painThe symptoms that occur in the legs Vtkon:- The mother - numbness - Khaddlan - atrophy and muscle weakness - the lack of senseAnd one of these symptoms occur without the other.* Treat cartilage erosion paragraphs: -Generally There is never so far treatment may be due cartilage to his youth again, but no cure for the symptoms and the inflammation caused by the erosion of cartilage paragraphs as may be paragraphs rights by erosion severe and does not suffer from pain due to lack of inflammation in these paragraphs or nerves emerging from them The symptomatic treatment shall be as follows:1 - drug therapy:- The patient is given anti-inflammatory and pain relievers such as Alfeldan or Alfoltarin and also given medicines extensor muscles to reduce muscle contraction caused by pain- A doctor may prescribe some medications nutrients for muscles to prevent atrophy of the muscles of the arms or legs with some dope circulation to reduce inflammation nerve with some vitamins Kvatamen 12.2 - Physical Therapy:- Ultrasound (ultrasound) and these waves are of great importance in solving the problems of public paragraphs where they are working to reduce muscle contraction and reduce inflammation in the paragraphs in the nerve roots compressed by the cartilage.- Shortwave (short waves), which works to reduce inflammation, too, and especially in the inflamed nerve roots as these waves are profound influence and impact in easing the arm or leg pain better than ultrasound- Electrical vibrations (TENS) for pain relief in the affected arm or leg- Tightening paragraphs intermittently or continuously for a short period not exceeding 7 minutes to relieve pressure on the target nerve.- Install the neck vertebrae hard plastic neck no more use per day for 12 hours and take off during the making of static exercises for the muscles of the neck and during sleep.- Install vertebrae supported belt lumbar vertebrae ever pillar solid background to prevent further movement in these paragraphs and wears this belt while standing or walking or sitting moderate and take off during sleep or lie down.Note: - Do not continue to use the neck or back belt for more than 3 consecutive months because they cause weakness in the muscles and may cause stiffness in the joints of the vertebrae.- Exercise: is the work of strengthening exercises static (static) and not exercises mobility to prevent further friction between the vertebrae and also useful in cases of erosion cartilage paragraphs work exercises lengthen the muscles of the neck or back with lengthening of the muscle of the arms and legs, that helps relieve pain and prevent a palace in muscles as a result of the pain.- It is very important to reduce weight in cases of compression paragraphs as this helps to relieve the load on the paragraphs helps to increase the distance between them and works to expand the neural tube decreases pressure on the nerve and therefore less pain.- Help cupping often most patients with erosion of cartilage paragraphs on reducing inflammation and pain very quickly and for a short period, but it may take several sessions of cupping with drug therapy and physical therapy.3 - Surgical treatment of cartilage erosion paragraphs: -The patient may not have to work surgery except in certain cases including:- The failure of all previous treatments.- Severe pain is likely or muscle atrophy and stop or foot fall- The lack of sense in some areas of the Parties.- Lack of control in the urine.And there are many types of surgery, but months is raising the pressure on the nerves and expanding neural tube with or without installing the vertebrae as the case may be and as it deems spine surgeon
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 17:32:13 +0000

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