#人間菩提 20130829《人間菩提》敬天愛地去奢靡 - TopicsExpress


#人間菩提 20130829《人間菩提》敬天愛地去奢靡 Reducing Waste to Respect and Love Mother Nature 颱風天,這個颱風雖然是輕度颱風,範圍不是很大,可是它的雨勢應該是不小。所以氣象局不斷地呼籲著我們人人不要掉以輕心。 A tropical cyclone is affecting Taiwan today. Though it’s only a tropical storm in intensity and its siz⋯⋯e is not very large, yet it brings with it a lot of rain. So, the weather bureau has been urging everyone that we must not take this typhoon lightly. 我們要提高警覺,總是它的雲系很厚,水分也很大,希望我們人人用戒慎虔誠,防範的心態,來面對這一波的颱風。 We need to be on our guard as it has thick clouds carrying a lot rain. I hope everyone can be prudent and sincerely pious and take precautions in the face of this tropical cyclone. 感恩啊,感恩各地的慈濟人,關懷戶或者是比較弱勢的人家,我們都是先去做關懷,門戶牢固嗎? I’m very grateful to Tzu Chi volunteers around Taiwan for visiting our care recipients or particularly vulnerable families to help them prepare for the tropical cyclone, such as making sure their doors and windows are sturdy. 同時,也送給了每一家戶,這樣的乾糧。的確,人,我們應該彼此之間互相關懷,最重要的就是我們人人,要全民都要有這一分的警覺性。我們平常要敬天,更需要愛地,天的氣候順暢,大地就繁榮平安。 Our volunteers also brought them instant noodles. Indeed, as human beings, we should care for one another. The most important thing is for the entire public to have the awareness that we need to respect and love Mother Nature. When Nature’s cycles are orderly, the land will be safe and all on it will flourish. 我們人就生活在天與地之間,所以叫做人間,我們人間能有天的四大調和,有大地的平安,能得到了五榖雜糧的豐富,這樣的生活,不就是安心而且幸福嗎? As we humans live under the sky and on the land, our survival depends on Mother Nature. If Mother Nature is well and balanced, and if the land is well, to provide us abundant crops for food, won’t we be able to lead a life of security and happiness? 不過現在的人,生活的奢靡,已經養成了習慣了,浪費食物,一次就丟的用具。你看,這樣的大地資源,的確,這種的消耗、浪費。 However, people nowadays are used to a standard of living that is actually indulgent and wasteful--- wasting food and using disposable products. You see how we’re using up and wasting the resources of our planet. 難怪在八月二十日那天,這種地球資源,這樣每一年的循環,就開始透支了。到底大地能提供多少物資給人? No wonder that researchers declared that August 20 (is Earth Overshoot Day,) a day where humanity exhausted nature’s budget for the year. In the long run, how much resource can the Earth continue to provide for us? 現在的人類已經七十多億了,這樣的一顆地球,自然的環境慢慢地消滅掉了,這種人為的建築、高樓大廈,還有地上鋪的都是水泥。你想,下了雨,大地要吸水的功能就沒有了。 Right now, the human population has already surpassed 7 billion. On this planet, the natural environment is slowly being destroyed as people pave over natural lands with concrete and build high-rises on it imagine, when it rains, the ability of the earth to absorb the water has been ruined, because such big extents of land have been covered by concrete. 因為整片大地被水泥鋪蓋了像我們的皮膚被塑膠或者是什麼東西,把它包裹起來,多麼不舒服啊。不能排汗,不能吸收自然的空氣,能健康嗎? 絕對不能健康。 This is as if our skin is being covered with plastic or wrapped up in something impermeable. Imagine how uncomfortable this is! If our skin cannot transpire or absorb the natural air, how could we be healthy? We’ll get ill 再加上了天地之間,災難那麼的多,我們看到森林,除了這種人類的破壞以外,還有這種大自然的,這樣的大地、森林這這樣毀了,這不就是大地受毀傷嗎? On top of that, so many disasters are happening around the world. We see forests being destroyed not only by human activities, but also by forest fires that occur due to extreme weather. With vast forestlands being scorched like this, isn’t this severe damage to the land? 像個人的皮膚,已經遍體鱗傷,這種的火大不調,就是三大災之一。 The land to Mother Nature is like the skin to our body. So, the “skin” of the Earth is now badly damaged. Such fire disaster is one of the Three Major Calamities that are happening in our world. 在這樣的時代裡,已經佛陀在兩千多年前,就開始有這麼的說,未來的人心煩惱、無明造業,會惹來了這種三大災,水災、風災、火災。 More than two thousand years ago, the Buddha could see that in the future, as people’s afflictions and delusions cause them to create negative karma, that will result in major calamities: the natural disasters of floods, storms, and fires. 可是我們現在又知道,加上了是地大不調。最近幾年來地震頻傳,這種天地之下、大地之間四大不調,我們真正的要覺悟的時刻了。驚世災難,人人要有警世的覺悟。 However, we know now that we have to add earthquakes to the list. In recent years there have been many earthquakes. Living in the world, our sphere of life is plagued by these natural disasters. Now is really the time we must wake up. With these alarming disasters, everyone should wake up to the warnings Mother Nature is sending us. 雖然我天天在這麼說,可是看到新聞畫面的,現在的人還沒有覺悟的大有人在。有的國度,不管是內戰,或者是引起了國際間的憤怒,這種真的都是從內憂而有外患的。 I’ve been calling for people’s attention to this on a daily basis, but what I see from the news is that many people still haven’t woken up. Civil war is still going on in several countries and various actions are triggering international fury. This is really concerning because internal strife grows into threats from external factors. 悲啊,悲在人心不調和,所以我們真的很需要,把愛的善種子,要趕快撒播,在這一大片的大地上。應該就是要好好地,每一個人心中的,法的資糧要吸收。 Seeing such imbalance of people’s hearts, my heart is heavy with sorrow. So, we really need spread the wholesome seeds of love quickly and widely (for the needs are great). Everyone really needs to take the Buddha’s teachings to heart deeply as food for our wisdom-life. 像在日本,有一位日本人曾經來過臺灣,看過了慈濟,了解到慈濟的這樣的大團體的付出,他很感動。 In Japan, there is a man that had stayed in Taiwan before and had visited Tzu Chi. After learning how Tzu Chi’s members worldwide are dedicating themselves for the good of the world, he was very moved. 回到日本,去看看我們慈濟日本分會,我們的同仁向他分享著慈濟的志業,裡面還有一個團體叫做慈青,他就說,就把慈青帶進了田間裡去,去種田、去了解耕農者的辛苦。 When re returned to Japan, he visited the Tzu Chi office in Japan. Our staff shared with him about Tzu Chi’s missions including how there is a youth group of college students, called Tzu Ching. This man then invited our Tzu Chings to work in the rice fields with him to plant rice and learn about what hard work farming entails. 這一群年輕人,才能體會到粒粒白米皆辛苦,他們就知福、惜福。所以現在的年輕人,都會那樣的不惜福,就是因為他不知一切的物資來得不容易。 It was through this experience that these young people learned how every rice grain is hard to come by and started to cherish their food (and not waste it). Young people nowadays are very wasteful and don’t cherish what they have because they don’t know all the hard work involved to produce everything they have. 所以,我們不也都一直在推動著八分飽,兩分救人好嗎? 不只是不要奢侈,身體吸收的限度,在健康之內,我們還可以幫助人。 So, we’ve been continually promoting eating just to be 80% full and helping others with the 20% we save. This helps us to not be wasteful, but at the same time, we can help others while still taking in enough nutrition to maintain our own health. 總而言之,我們人人要自愛,還要疼惜大地,大地已經備受毀傷了,天氣那樣的不調和。上個星期才一個颱風的叫做潭美,你看這一個星期,又是一個颱風康芮。 In conclusion, we need to be more self-disciplined and need to care for Mother Earth. The land has already suffered serious damage and the climate is so unbalanced now. See, last week, a tropical cyclone called Trami affected Taiwan and now, just a week later, another tropical cyclone has come, called Kong-rey. 真的我們要戒慎虔誠,希望山上不要去,水邊不要靠近,但願我們戒慎虔誠地祈禱著,祈禱著它能讓陸地上,平平安安地過去。這都是我們真要用虔誠。 We really need to be sincerely vigilant and self-disciplined. Please don’t go up in the mountains and stay away from the waterfront. May we all sincerely pray with humble piety for the typhoon to remain offshore, so that all land areas can remain safe and well. We really need to pray with true sincerity. 三災頻傳毀資源 防颱備糧助鄰里 敬天愛地去奢靡 農作體驗惜糧食 youtube/watch?v=m_1rz5gk7E4
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 12:06:45 +0000

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