我的破冰之旅 – 2013/11/18~23 (英文版本附後) My - TopicsExpress


我的破冰之旅 – 2013/11/18~23 (英文版本附後) My ice-breaking trip (English version attached below) 這是來公司後第一次出國去拜訪經銷商及客戶. 此趟出差經歷了許多的第一次; 從没吃過眼鏡蛇及甲魚(鱉),也從没看過這麼多大閘蟹(400隻耶)! 雖然都是人間美味,但見活生生血淋淋的毒蛇肉及活鱉擺在眼前,實在可怕! 寫到這裡,相信朋友們已經猜出前幾天的出差地點在中國南方廣洲了! 也只有這裡才能吃到這種野味,不知道還有多少保育類動物在餐廳的目錄上呢! 原本對於第三天到珠海客戶端的道歉會議,有幾分忐忑不安.没想到却出奇的順利,客戶非但毫不抱怨,還熱情載我到碼頭坐船到香港,短短不到一小時的温馨接送情,我們變成好朋友!這位29歲的年輕科技新貴,雖是RD部門最高長官,却没有一點驕氣!他說我往後到珠海,不管吃喝玩樂,包含住宿全都由他負責! 他的出現確實令緊張的行程緩和不少,我忘不了他在駕駛座上温暖的笑容! 風塵僕僕趕到香港後,面對的是台大華語所的五位教授及老師來訪,由我主導讓他們和香港團隊見面開會;這是我跟公司報備過的私人行程;此次會議也是合作案的破冰之旅,結果是意料之外的順利! 中國南方的出訪後,緊接著是中國北方及印度,這次是好的開始;盼此行的破冰之旅,能順利航出新境界,展開新局面! My ice-breaking trip - 2013/11/18 ~ 23 This is the first company to visit partners and customers overseas. This trip has gone through a lot of the first experience; Never eaten cobra and turtle , have never seen so many crabs ( 400 pieces ) ! Although they are delicious foods but still really scary when seen them in real world ! I write to here and then believe you have guessed my trip locations were in the South China! Only there can eat this kind of food, I do not know how many endangered species listed in the restaurant menu! For the third day of the meeting had to apologize to a customer in Zhuhai , felt a bit uneasy. I did not expect was surprisingly smooth , the customer not only have no complaints, but also warm and take me to the dock taking boat to Hong Kong , just less than one hour of driving , we became good friends ! This 29- year-old young upstart technology , though he is the leader of RD department , but without any arrogance ! He said if I visit Zhuhai again, whether to eat, drink , including accommodation all count by him ! His presence has really made me to ease a lot of tension in the busy trip , I can not forget his warm smile when he was driving! In Hong Kong , I had to handle the meeting with five NTU professors and teachers and the Hong Kong team ; This was what I had reported to my company about my private schedule in this trip; The conference was also a ice-breaking trip for the project and the result was unexpected success ! After the visit to southern China, those northern China and India followed , this was a good start ; breaking trip and I hope this trip will be smooth navigation of a new realm, launched a new situation !
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 14:54:46 +0000

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