與其出口傷人,不如緘口無言。 It is better to bite - TopicsExpress


與其出口傷人,不如緘口無言。 It is better to bite your tongue than to make a biting remark. 有一句英文諺語說:「君子論理,常人談事,小人議人。」雖然我們不能否認,對人的議論也可以是對人的褒獎,不過這句諺語所強調的是我們議論他人的是非。如今我們身處於一個媒體無所不在的世界,不管是透過報章書刊、電視電台,或是各種網絡社交媒體,我們都不斷間接或直接地、有意或無意地介入別人的生活,窺探了他人的隱私。 Perhaps you are familiar with the saying, “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” Admittedly, there are ways to speak of people that can honor them. But this saying highlights our darker experiences. In a world of ever-present media—social and professional—we are continually confronted with people’s lives at a level of intimacy that can be inappropriate. 更糟的是,他人的生活點滴和隱私排山倒海而來,使我們不再只滿足於名人富豪的流言蜚語,而說長道短、搬弄唇舌變成了我們談話的中心。無論是我們工作場所的同事、教會的弟兄姊妹、鄰居或家人都可能成為鋒利舌頭的目標,為本來不該發生的閒談而感到苦惱。 Worse, this tidal wave of personal information about others could become grist for our conversational mills to the point that gossip becomes the norm—and not just about the rich and famous. People in our workplaces, churches, neighborhoods, and families can also be targets of sharp tongues and feel the pain of discussions that never should have happened. 我們該怎樣改變這種偏好,不再用言語傷害別人呢?讓我們謹記,我們口中的言語上帝都會聽到,而祂渴望我們做得更好。我們可以一起禱告:「我的救贖主啊!願我口中的言語,心裡的意念,在禰面前蒙悅納」(詩篇19篇14節)。當我們嘗試用那蒙主喜悅的方式來談論別人時,就是尊崇祂。有祂的幫助,我們便能透過所談論的話題來榮耀祂。 How can we escape our inclination to use words to hurt others? By recognizing that the ultimate Hearer of our words is God, who longs for us to be better than that. With the psalmist, we can pray, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord” (Ps. 19:14). When we seek to please God with our conversations about others, we honor Him. With His help, we can glorify Him through what we talk about. 求主能夠原諒我,不當言語傷人們; 助我明白需謹言,運用智慧助他人。 Forgive me, Father, for the times my speech crosses the line of that which is appropriate. Help me to understand the power of words,and give me the wisdom to use them well.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 20:35:23 +0000

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