多項措施改善幼園收生程序 2013年10月11日 - TopicsExpress


多項措施改善幼園收生程序 2013年10月11日 教育局局長吳克儉說,已與業界取得幼稚園收生程序和學額安排的共識,推出特別措施,包括統一註冊以達致「一人一位」,以及加強支援家長,和支持幼稚園採用「就近入學」的收生原則。 吳克儉今天(10月11日)與大埔和北區幼稚園校長會面後向傳媒表示,感謝幼稚園校長與局方攜手,以家長和孩子的利益為依歸,在很短的時間內做了大量工作,協助制訂特別措施。 他說,大埔和北區幼稚園同意統一臨時註冊日期。學生資料須先呈交教育局核對,然後由局方向學生發出註冊書。家長須向選定的幼稚園提交註冊書,完成註冊程序。 統一臨時註冊日期初步定於12月中,如學生其後決定轉校,家長可向原幼稚園取回註冊書,交予新選定的幼稚園。 吳克儉指出,這措施可避免學童同時保留多個學位。同時,教育局會加強支援家長,為未有學位的家庭提供資訊和協助,亦會考慮增設熱線,提供幼稚園空缺資訊,協助家長為子女申請入學。 為增加學額,教育局要求幼稚園盡量利用校舍空間增加課室,以及充分使用已註冊的班房收生;同時鼓勵辦學團體擴充或開辦幼稚園。 教育局亦支持幼稚園以「就近入學」原則收生。其他措施包括鼓勵幼稚園為家長提供網上登記或下載申請表格服務,以及不要為派表數量設置限額。 吳克儉重申,根據專業和客觀的推算,幼稚園學額有充足供應,即使是比較緊張的北區,供求亦大致平衡。 來源: 香港政府新聞網 news.gov.hk/tc/categories/school_work/html/2013/10/20131011_120643.shtml Kindergarten application improvements set October 11, 2013 Kindergartens in North and Tai Po districts will implement improved application procedures, including centralised registration and enhanced support for parents, says Secretary for Education Eddie Ng. At a media session after meeting with kindergarten principals today, Mr Ng thanked them for working together with the Government to devise the measures within a short time for the benefit of parents and their young children. He said kindergartens in North and Tai Po districts have agreed to follow registration procedures under which students parents, upon accepting a school offer, must submit a registration form the Education Bureau will issue to the school. The registration date is tentatively set for mid-December. Students switching from one school to another must take back their registration form and hand it to the new school. This will prevent a child from holding more than one school place at a time, Mr Ng said. The Government will also enhance support services, including helping parents who could not secure a kindergarten place, and setting up hotlines to provide information on school vacancies. Other measures include increasing school places by fully using campus capacities, and encouraging schools to expand or open new branches. Kindergartens will also distribute more application forms to ensure all applicants can get a copy, and will make them available online. Mr Ng reiterated there are enough kindergarten places to meet demand, including in North District. Source: Hong Kong’s Information Services Department news.gov.hk/en/categories/school_work/html/2013/10/20131011_120643.shtml
Posted on: Sat, 12 Oct 2013 02:32:57 +0000

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