About how to kick bio-fin efficiently. There may be a negative - TopicsExpress


About how to kick bio-fin efficiently. There may be a negative opinion from the user of both ordinary Jet fin and the fin with slightly bigger size of blade. Since this kind of user tends to kick gently under big stroke without bending knees as guided by textbook. By the way, if bio-fin used by the same kicking method, it may result the feeling for not having enough forwarding power due to caused by smaller size and the split of the blade. In fact, bio fin has been developed under the concept of the efficiency with having top priority and optimized. Therefore please kick continuously with short step with bending knees so that enough forwarding power can be obtained. Please see our video previously loaded for special army force from a certain country. Even though equipped with the re-breather which is quite heavy, you can see enough forwarding power can be obtained against fairly big fluid resistance and under extreme circumstance of adversity. Please enjoy the fantastic world of bio fin by breaking stereotypes. apollo-japan.jp/ENGLISH/equipment/fin/technolory/index.html
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 00:52:30 +0000

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