Early morning thoughts: (September 19, 2014) Let’s talk a - TopicsExpress


Early morning thoughts: (September 19, 2014) Let’s talk a bit about Officer Friendly, shall we? There are ongoing arguments supporting local law enforcement, and it is my opinion that these arguments supporting our local LEOs are missing a few salient evidential points. As background, I have lived in about 47 different places in my lifetime, including England, so I am not very parochial in my views. I have business experience, technology experience, and legal experience. I have several close attorney friends, and I have had cops as close neighbors and as close friends. In England the coppers were unarmed when I lived there, and there was no evidence of police brutality that I saw. Ive known and worked with federal law enforcement through the years. Having said that, since the 1980s, I have noticed a degradation in law enforcement and in the American justice system. This is not the America that I grew up in. It is my opinion that Americans today live in an elite controlled lawless police state. Officer Friendly may be OK on a personal level, but when hes on duty, there are few of them today that actually provide constitutional support for the people, and thats my personal yardstick for measurement. I thank each and every LEO who does understand the constitution and who does practice constitutional law enforcement. I love those guys. But, in my observation, they are a minority. The Constitutional Sheriffs and Police Officers Association (CSPOA) is, unfortunately, not universally embraced by local cops, by local PDs, or by county sheriffs. My local Boulder County sheriff, for example, refuses to join. Hes a statist and he likewise refuses to discuss constitutional law and issues with me. Hes a politicians best friend, not the peoples friend. I want Officer Friendly to come back, but I think his time in our lives may have passed. Having noted that, I have an ongoing issue with the CSPOA in that they still support ‘crime prevention’ including enforcing victimless criminal statutes like traffic control statutes. What happened to the legal concept - no victim, no crime?? How did they miss that one? Police brutality crime law suits are invariably settled out of court with nondisclosure agreements as part of the settlement payments. There are relatively few court cases concerned with police brutality matters on record, simply because of the fact that when a case is settled out of court, there is no court decision on record. Additionally, there are no centralized FBI records or database regarding police brutality matters - they are hidden from public view. In the mid 1980s, police brutality law suits, uncovered only by way of state FOIA laws, showed that they accounted for about one third of county settlement payments. I suspect the ratio is similar or higher today. In our modern America, where the people are experiencing depressionary economic conditions, high unemployment, devaluation of their money system, and decreased crime rates, the law enforcement industry is experiencing a growth boom period. Whats THAT all about? Simple. The police are the enforcement arm of the entrenched and controlling moneyed elites who consume all of our wealth and return nothing to us but enforced slavery, hence my recent early morning thoughts posts on the subject, and my condemnation of the modern master/slave plantation system in America. The professional crime syndicate in America today wears a suit and uses a cops uniform, badge, and gun to collect its payments. America today has the highest percentage of its people incarcerated - of all countries in the entire world, and an estimated 86% of those incarcerated are in jail for having been convicted of victimless crimes - crimes in which there was no victim. Hows that suit you? Once again, what happened to the legal concept - no victim, no crime?? As an FYI, I live in Colorado - a state that was once #2 in Mercatus Centers biannual freedom index of the states. In 2009, Colorado had dropped to #7, and two years later the state dropped twelve positions to # 19. This decline in freedom is a symptom, in my opinion, of the democrat statist controls of the state. Colorado is following New York, California, and other democratic controlled states - right to the bottom of the state rankings. As to what the people can do about this, you may be familiar with the North Colorado secession efforts by the rural counties in Colorado in recent years. The rural Coloradans see what the city people ignore, and the rurals want no part of the states tyranny. Is this a democrat party issue? In many ways, yes, but I see statist and totalitarian controls increasing all over the country, regardless of political party. The libertarians and voluntaryists appear to be the only ones who apparently and consciously want to shrink or shut down the government police state. But we saw how the GOP treated Ron Paul in the recent election cycle. Truly elitist bull crap – there is no freedom or peoples representation in the GOP, and we all know the democrats are statists and communists these days. Both parties are about elitist power and control - screw representation of the people. A country that was once viewed as so good has turned sour on its own people and on the rest of the world. America is no longer the land of opportunity - its now just a war state - a military empire. In my opinion, the country is being destroyed by the moneyed elites, by the multinational corporations and Rothschild controlled banks, by the lawless sociopaths in our government, and by the infestation of Israeli dual nationals inside our government. It appears the American empire is coming to the end of its cycle of life. Its in its death throws. But, maybe thats a good thing. Time will answer that question. I miss my freedom. I want this plantation master/slave system destroyed and replaced by a voluntary system of cooperation between humans. I think the age of freedom may follow this age of elitist and statist tyranny and lawlessness. As a friend pointed out to me yesterday, the American natives had the right idea with the tribal system. In the tribes, there were no police and no prisons. People cooperated with each other and helped each other. There was no welfare system. Remarkable, eh? No force, no violence except in defense. These are things to think about. Have a nice day. ///
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 15:41:51 +0000

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