Expelled ANC Youth League president Julius Malema’s plan - TopicsExpress


Expelled ANC Youth League president Julius Malema’s plan to start a new political party is “political suicide”, Sport and Recreation Minister Fikile Mbalula has told the Sunday Independent. “As a cadre, being trained by the ANC, forming a political party out of the ANC is political suicide. It is out of anger and not necessity,” Mbalula told the Sunday newspaper. “Being disgruntled about individuals in the ANC cannot lead to the formation of a political party.” This week, Malema announced that he would establish a new political platform, the Economic Freedom Fighters. The Beeld newspaper reported that Malema sent out an e-mail announcing his plans. In the e-mail he apparently urged those interested in his venture to contact him via e-mail or social networks. He also asked for proposals on how to collect money. Mbalula told the Sunday Independent he had “no intention of joining anything”. Calling Malema’s plans “political adventurism” Mbalula, himself a former African National Congress Youth League leader, said he was friends with Malema. “And I will remind him that, friendship aside, it is my duty to defend the ANC.” Mbalula said he did not believe in “veering” away from the ANC. “If it means I part ways with Julius on this, so be it.” Mbalula said Malema needed to be more patient: “His political decision is sad. Julius can bounce back as a solid leader, only if he can remain patient.” Limpopo premier Cassel Mathale, previously seen as a close Malema ally, told the Sunday Independent that Malema’s decision was unfortunate. “We are going to be on the opposing side of the fence. It’s unfortunate.” Meanwhile Limpopo human settlements MEC Clifford Motsepe, once also seen as a Malema ally, told the newspaper they could still be friends, but he would not support his political ambitions. “I am going to attend branch general meetings with my grandchildren and the day I die my coffin will be draped in black, green and yellow colours,” Motsepe said.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 15:30:30 +0000

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