From 2010: Star Wars – Episode VII – The New Republic Star - TopicsExpress


From 2010: Star Wars – Episode VII – The New Republic Star Wars – Episode VIII – An Ancient Evil Star Wars – Episode IX – Circle of the Force Star Wars – Episode X – Rise of a Dark Lord Star Wars – Episode XI – Sith Redux Star Wars – Episode XII – Skywalker Star Wars – Episode VII – The New Republic – Sketch Plot/Screenplay Opening Dialogue The Galaxy is at Rest. Trade and commerce once again run fairly, freed from The tyranny of the Empire. The New Republic is a new way of life, built on The foundation of the old, forging new and better alliances for the sake of Galactic peace. Luke Skywalker now heads the Jedi council and has been training a whole Generation of new Jedi Knights. The Jedi once again hold their esteemed Position, but all is not well. Luke is uneasy, unable to find peace. A figure Haunts him, his father Anakin, and a new threat is imminent, coming from The neighbouring galaxy…. Scene 1 Space. Luke is headed towards the witch moon of Endor, with R2D2 in tow. He talks with R2 and says ‘Yes, I’m sure Wicket misses you too.’ Scene 2 Luke with R2 and Wicket and various ewoks. Luke has his backpack on. He Leaves R2 with the ewoks and goes to were Anakin/Vader was cremated. From there he looks up at a mountain in the distance, and follows the call Of the force. Scene 3 The Music from Star Wars Episode I in the final battle scene with Maul and Obi Wan and Qui Gon Jin begins. There are key points in the music which I time With Key scenes for maximum entertainment and drama. The scenes are: Luke crossing a river Luke coming to the mountain Luke beginning to climb the mountain Luke coming to a crag and looking over flowing lava, and then jumping over the lava Luke continuing to climb Luke being attacked by fierce dinobirds and using his light saber to ward them off Luke continuing to climb (key moment in music) and comes to the top of the cliff Were Darth Sidious in spirit/force form meets him and looks at him. Luke walks past sidious (says nothing) and enters a cave Luke walks along cave with light saber (Right near climax of music) Luke meets Darth (Dooku) and then Darth Maul and Finally (when music climaxes) meets Darth Vader who turns to look at him (music climax when it goes dunt daddar dunt right on meeting Vader) Scene 4 Gar Solo (Han’s Son) is on a patrol mission with R2D3 out to outer rim planets Of the galaxy were disturbances have been reported (Gar discusses this with R2D3) Scene 5 They land on a planet and find the civilization destroyed. Chaos is everywhere. Gar says (I don’t know who did this, R2 etc) Scene 6 A midwife comes out of a room and comes to Leia. ‘She is ready,’ says the midwife To Leia. Leia comes in to meet her daughter Amidala (played by Natalie Portman, Of all people – Note the strong family resemblance to her grandmother) Amidala gives birth. Her name is ‘Kelendra’ she says to Leia. Leia takes Kalendra and comes into the other room to show her to Han Solo and Kade Gon Jin (Amidala’s husband). Leia says ‘She is a special child – a child of destiny’ Etc etc Scene 7 Luke in space with R2D2. R2 whistles and Luke says ‘Yeh, I guess I found what I came For R2. I guess (saying that to himself in a softer tone) Scene 8 Luke lands near the Jedi Academy on Coruscant. He is greeted by other Jedi. ‘How was your trip etc. & There is news, Gar Solo has something to report etc. Scene 9 Gar speaks with Luke in his chambers about the destruction on the planet. Luke Takes it into consideration. Scene 10 Luke, after Gar has left, walks out onto his balcony and looks over Coruscant. Anakin His father appears in spirit form. Anakin ‘Son. Is all well with you.’ Luke ‘Father. Yes, I suppose.’ Anakin ‘What troubles you.’ Luke ‘Oh, father. A search for meaning. A search for understanding. I know what we do hear In the Academy helps so many, but I feel there is something missing. Something I have yet to do.’ Anakin ‘Son, the ways of the force are always mysterious. It works for the good of all, and the darker Side, well, not always, as you know well. If that is a voice from the force you will find your destiny Soon enough. Or it will find you, son. It will find you.’ Luke – Looks at him and nods. Scene 11 Luke, as a representative of the Jedi, appears at the Galactic council. He speaks of the destruction Of (XXXX) and the council suggests further investigations. He also brings up the issue of his Son, Anakin, and his late day eagerness to become a Jedi. He asks the council if there are any Objections, them knowing the history of his father. Nobody objects but concerns are raised. Scene 12 Anakin Skywalker, Luke’s son, played by Jake Lloyd, appears before the Jedi council. Luke questions him. ‘A Jedi, Anakin?’ Anakin responds ‘I had a dream I would be a Jedi.’ The council accepts his very late day padewan status Scene 13 Anakin (Luke’s son) had an older brother which Luke did not know about. He slept With a woman on Tatooine who got pregnant. The woman named this son ‘Hayden’. Hayden is played by Hayden Christensen. Hayden says to his mother, after coming in from the fields on a glider (some type as Used in Episode IV by Luke and Episode III by Anakin) he must go with the force. He feels it leading him somewhere. She lets him go. Scene 14 Han with Lando Calrissian. They ready for the trip from Tatooine to Coruscant And board the Milennium Falcon II which Lando owns. Lando says as they Take off ‘Remember, don’t wreck this baby like my last one. I am still getting Over that.’ Han says ‘Hey, it wasn’t my fault.’ Scene 15 Luke greets Han on Coruscant. ‘Admiral Solo. It is good to see you back. Usual Banter. Luke speaks of the investigations into the disturbances on the edge of the Galaxy. Several more planets have been destroyed and Luke wants to send Han And a fleet to go find out the trouble. Han agrees. Scene 16 A big send off with many people. Han and the fleet head off to find what the trouble Could be. Scene 17 Hayden comes to the witch moon of Endor. He climbs the same mountain Luke climbed On the other side. He is greeted by witches of Endor. Before they meet him they are looking Through a portal (like a tree trunk cut off at the base, and watery substance (a pool of vision) Which they look into. One of them says ‘A seeker has come.’ ‘Then tell the dark lord,’ says The other.’ Scene 18 Hayden comes to the central cavern and the witches greet him. They send him further on And Sidious comes out of the shadows. ‘What is this before my eyes,’ says sidious. ‘I Sense a son of skywalker.’ Hayden says ‘Luke Skywalker was my father. But he knows Me not.’ ‘Good, good,’ says sidious, and draws him towards himself. Scene 19 Anakin is before the council. They discuss various things and it is decided that Anakin is To travel to Dagoba to begin his training with Arda, Yoda’s son. Anakin leaves for Arda With R2D3 Scene 20 Hayden is in a jungle scene (similar to Dagoba, on Endor) and Sidious says to him. ‘What do you sense in there,’ pointing to a dark cavern. ‘Power,’ says Hayden. ‘Yes,’ says Sidious. ‘Go find that power.’ Hayden enters the cavern Scene 21 Anakin arrives with R2D3 on Dagoba. They took an X-Wing. They look around. ‘We’ll never find him,’ says Anakin, after a while. ‘Give up so soon why do you?’ says Arda, who comes into view. ‘Arda?’ asks Anakin. ‘Mmm,’ says Arda. Scene 22 Hayden in the cavern. He comes into the darkness and the figure of Darth Vader Comes upon him. Hayden asks him ‘Who are you?’ The figure says ‘You know Who I am.’ Scene 23 Arda training Anakin Luke Style from ‘ESB’. Predictable ESB Style dialogue. Scene 24 Anakin and Arda. Anakin asks Arda ‘What is that place?’ about the same Dark cavern Luke entered in ESB. ‘To find out for yourself, if dare you,’ says Arda. ‘But beware the dark side.’ Anakin enters the cavern and the figure of Darth Vader appears. He asks Who are you. ‘You know who I am,’ says the figure of Darth Vader. Scene 25 Han Solo scenes. They find the enemy and rout them. A cruiser escapes On board the cruiser a general of the Delenth escapes. Scene 26 The escaped general returns to his galaxy. He is presented before the Supreme Commander of the Delenth. He speaks of his failure. The Supreme Commander says ‘You know the penalty’, and dark Figures come from behind the throne, and fall upon him. Scene 27 Han returns in triumph. Scene 28 A scene with a medal presented to Han and Lando – same as end of episode I & IV Scene 29 Luke on witch moon of endor with R2D2. The X Wing is just in the background, And they are on a cliff of the mountain looking out. Luke says ‘I suppose it all makes sense in the end. I suppose it does that.’ THE END of Episode VII The story needs a lot of filling in, but this is just meant to be a draft sketch. I am Busy and don’t have the time just at the moment to do a full screenplay, but could Do so if I needed to. I am sure George Lucas himself could fill in the rest of the Screenplay quite well if he so desired. I have a number of ideas for the next 5 movies, some quite good ones, but a key Idea in the next episode is the line ‘When Jedi and Sith fought side by side,’ in Reference to ancient days when they fought the Delenth. Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly noahidebooks.angelfire
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 14:55:35 +0000

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