Hussein The Ineligible One & His Saudi Benefactors – - TopicsExpress


Hussein The Ineligible One & His Saudi Benefactors – -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Friends - The Saudi King is charged with the defense of the Muslim so-called holy places in Mecca & Medina. What better way to do that, than to purchase the US Military, at a very far below bargain basement price? The cheapest way to do that would be to buy the way into the Whitehouse for their chosen Saudi agent, Hussein The Ineligible One, to be the Commander-in-Chief of the US Military. PROOF? Read or at least make sure you have a copy of that transcript of the trial of the Millennium. You can find the proof at It may be that you find blocks trying to get that TRANSCRIPT. I very strongly recommend you download these 6 files. Everyone should have a copy of those transcripts regarding the trial of Hussein The Ineligible One, the trial of the Millennium. CIA-Columbia-Obama-Sedition-and-Treason-Trial-Transcript-of-Day-1-May14-2010.pdf CIA-Columbia-Obama-Sedition-and-Treason-Trial-Transcript-of-Day-2-May-15-2010.pdf CIA-Columbia-Obama-Sedition-and-Treason-Trial-Transcript-of-Day-3-May-16-2010.pdf CIA-Columbia-Obama-Sedition-and-Treason-Trial-Transcript-of-Day-4-May-17-2010.pdf CIA-Columbia-Obama-Sedition-and-Treason-Trial-Transcript-of-Day-5-May-18-2010.pdf FederalGrandJuryIsThe4thBranchOfGovernment-MustRead.pdf The proof is there that Hussein The Ineligible One had his College degree purchased by Saudi bribe money. Hussein The Ineligible One never did attend Columbia University. Saudi bribe money purchased his diploma by paying off all necessary Columbia University personnel, to get the Political Science Degree FRAUDULENTLY for Hussein The Ineligible One. Then Saudi bribe money purchased Hussein The Ineligible One’s entry into Harvard Law School. Saudi money also bought him the presidency of the Harvard Law Review, though he never wrote a single article appearing in the Harvard Law Review. How many people were paid off with Saudi bribe money in the 2008 election, and how much Saudi money was used to purchase the Whitehouse for Hussein the Ineligible One, in 2008 & 2012, will probably never be known. However much it may have been that the Saudis spent on Hussein The Ineligible One, it was far below bargain basement price for control of the US Military. Yet, there is one and only one thing we KNOW Hussein The Ineligible One has proven to do well - TREACHEROUS DEALING. He has a particular gift of setting up his friends and benefactors for him to stick his deadly knife in their back. What is amazing is how someone so obviously proven to be so dangerously insane in his incomparable narcissism, does not by now seem to have those who thought they had him doing their bidding, in fear and trembling of his infamous knife in the back turning on them. The Saudi example is the BIG News and it is stunning. One could ask Mubarak what he thinks now of his friend Hussein The Ineligible One. Mubarak is still alive. You can not ask Gadaffi about his friend Hussein Obama. You could ask Basher Assad about his friend Hussein The Ineligible One. You could ask Al Khalifah, in Bahrain about how far he now trusts his friend Hussein the Ineligible One. You could ask the former president of Tunisia, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, about his trust of his friend Hussein The Ineligible One. They will ALL tell how expert that Hussein The Ineligible One is, at setting up his friends to get knifed in the back. TREACHEROUS DEALING is the most notable character trait of Hussein the Ineligible One. Yet the severing of relations with the US by Saudi Arabia is the BIG News. NO MORE PETRO-DOLLARS AND THAT IS THE BIG NEWS. A few numbers give great perspective. Though the numbers will be shocking and almost unbelievable – YES – they are true. I got them from the Government Data. You can take this to the Bank, the Whitehouse, or the Jailhouse – The BORROWER is SERVANT to the LENDER – God said so. THE PETRO-DOLLAR GOD IS FINISHED. One could say America has been a Constitutional Republic for a little over 200 years. It s a proven FACT that Obama has been Americas pretend-to-be, Fraud-in-Chief, for very little of that time. The 43 LEGAL Presidents BEFORE the ILLEGAL, Fraud-in-Chief, Hussein The Ineligible One, accumulated or amassed a foreign debt of 3709 Billion Dollars. Lets give a little more perspective by giving the RATE of Foreign Debt per Year from legal President George Washington all the way up to the FIRST ILLEGAL FRAUD president Hussein The Ineligible One. That annual RATE of accumulated Foreign Dept, from George Washington through George Bush, is an average RATE of 13.90 Billion dollars per year of accumulated Foreign Debt. THE PETRO-DOLLAR GOD IS FINISHED. What is the rate of Foreign Debt per Year accumulated by Americas FIRST ILLEGAL president? Can you believe the First ILLEGAL American president, the great Fraud-in-Chief, is accumulating foreign debt at a rate of 684.60 BILLION dollars per year? That is 50 TIMES greater than the average rate of the Legal Presidents before this FIRST ILLEGAL president. THE PETRO-DOLLAR GOD IS FINISHED. The administration of Hussein The Ineligible One is filled with people who are truly anti-Israel AND anti-AMERICAN. It is easier to see the ones who are owned by the Saudi Royal Family by their financial interests. However, there are also less obvious GLOBAL socialist/fascist agenda proponents. Regarding the global socialist/fascist Jesuit, (Society of Lucifer), agenda it is clear that their agenda wants NO State of Israel. What people in America better realize before Hussein The Ineligible One and his gang of criminals, fraudsters, and traitors get too far, is that the global socialist/fascist agenda does NOT include the United States continuing as a sovereign nation. THE PETRO-DOLLAR GOD IS FINISHED. Hussein The Ineligible One has PERSONALLY destroyed the relations and mutual benefits of the US and Saudi Arabia and the rest of the world of the PETRO-DOLLAR being used since 1973. Saudi Oil is no is longer going to be traded ONLY in DOLLARS – that means the US Dollar god IS FINISHED. That makes the US dollar worth less and maybe even worthless. Anti-Israel, pro-Islamist policy makers have already been entrenched in most levels of the Hussein The Ineligible One administration. These people are known history revisionists and promote Islamic agendas. Already the hate crime laws, which only protect the guilty, and give Muslims a free pass, have been signed into US Law by Hussein The Ineligible One. Yes, of course Congress critters AND Muslims are EXEMPT from Obamacare. That means America is more under Shira Law than the Constitution. There is an obvious coordinated effort by the Hussein Obama administration to promote anti-Semitism, not just in America but also Europe and Canada. There is certain to be an attempt to blame the Jews AND Christian (People of THE Book) for ALL of the problems associated with the financial crisis. That worked well for Hitler for his national socialism, and would appear to be the game plan for bringing America into global fascism. Be assured that the full Luciferian target of the Koran, the people of the book, BOTH Jews and Christians are to be ELIMINATED, not raptured, in Hussein The Ineligible Ones plan. Even if the majority does not care about the sell out of Americas only democratic ally in the Middle East, they should care about the destruction being wrought in America. The close alliance of America and Israel is definitely a block to the global socialist/fascist New World Order plan. As for the coming war, it has already begun as a war for the minds, hearts and souls of the people in the West, and will manifest itself quickly turning into a physical war between Israel and her Arab neighbors. It will likely begin as it has in the past, with missiles fired by HAMAS and/or HEZBOLLAH, followed by a measured response from Israel. Then we would see the usual propaganda from the media, who will portray the Jews as murderers of innocent men, women and children. Then outrage and condemnation from the international community, led by the United Nations, who will demand Peace at the expense of Israel. This time, the U.N. will have the cooperation of the United States under the Hussein The Ineligible One’s administration. Commander Hussein Obama will send troops as part of a larger so-called `peacekeeping mission, but they will most certainly not be there to help Israel. But first, America must be convinced that being an ally of Israel is not in America’s best interests, and that Israel rather than the Muslim terrorists, are the antagonists in this scenario. By great fraud of electing Hussein The Ineligible One, and by the appointments he has made, his purge of the military high command, and the policies he has implemented, the world is rushing head long to strategic global thermo nuclear war. Saudi Arabia is one of a very long list of former allies turned AGAINST America, that now includes Brazil, Mexico, France, Germany, and many, many, others because of Hussein The Ineligible One’s NSA, not only recording every American phone call and email, but also all of the heads of state of most other countries. How could a man with the middle name of Hussein even become the junior senator from Illinois? More astonishing yet, how could a virtually unknown HUSSEIN, rise from virtual obscurity to be the leader of the Christian free world of the West in just seven years? Saudi bribe money is in that picture. The TRUE BIG Picture can only be seen in THE Scriptures, which few seem to have any interest in reading, in this great worldwide famine for Hearing of the Word of God. Sadly, most professing Christians today do not even know the difference between THE God Promised EVERY WORD PERFECT Holy Bible, and all of the other books called bibles. How can a HUSSEIN, who can not produce anything but a proven FORGED Birth Certificate, with a proven FORGED fraudulent Selective Service record, having used 39 DIFFERENT Social Security Numbers, who admitted he was born a British subject, and lost his Kenyan Citizenship at age 21, be the President of the United States? ONLY BY THE GREATEST ELECTION FRAUD AND CONSPIRACY IN ALL HISTORY. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY THIS COULD HAPPEN. THE FIRST THING GOD WOULD DO WHEN JUDGING HIS PEOPLE IS GIVE THEM A WICKED KING. The PAL (Papal, Antichrist, Luciferian), Oligarchy GLOBAL Socialist agenda has NO place for Israel, and NO place for a free sovereign and strong America. The destruction of Israel, and America, will solidify the PAL Oligarchy Global Socialism of the New World Order. The world saw what Hitler did with National Socialism. Just try to imagine what Hussein will do with GLOBAL SOCIALISM? If Americans do not rise up NOW to stop the GREAT FRAUD, HUSSEIN, they will die regretting it. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. Pray Psalm 83 every day. Only be very strong and of good courage. Stay IN the Word. From Chittim, Isa 23:1, Shalom & Simcha, Jim Searcy Please bookmark BOTH new GJiGT web sites with the most recent updates: moresureword and jimsearcy Location of the links to the 10 most recently added audio files on the GJiGT-Radio library: gjigt-radio/podcast/podcast.php SUBSCRIBE and/or UNSUBSCRIBE at moresureword PLEASE NOTE – The jsearcy2001@yahoo email DOES NOT WORK. If you want to reply to this or send any message for Jim to be able to see please use either [email protected] or elijah77@gmail Those two emails do not get auto deleted. Yes, we need help. We are NOT a 501c3. No Tax Deductions. (Matt 6:1-4) If the Lord leads you to partake of our grace, You may snail mail Jim Searcy @ PO Box 52283 - Ugermasogeia 4062 – CYPRUS
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 22:34:24 +0000

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