Music is One Language/音樂就是一種語言(中/英文) Its - TopicsExpress


Music is One Language/音樂就是一種語言(中/英文) Its true that its like two dialects, two styles we could say, but music is one language. ....Bach improvised, Mozart improvised, Beethoven...they all improvised. Because, in essence, its all the same: its music, its art, its feelings. ------Judith Jáuregui and Pepe Rivero Plus an article I read recently (by Steve Duke), ......Improvisation incorporates compositional techniques and is not limited to a particular style. In traditional Western European music, for example, Bach, Mozart, Beethoven and Liszt, were well known for their improvisations. Interestingly, Classical music has nearly lost the art of improvisation in the 20th century and Jazz pedagogy has become almost exclusively theoretical.... Happy Halloween! 當蕭邦遇見拉丁爵士,會出現怎麼樣的火花? 影片中的兩位音樂家說: 「沒錯,這就像兩種對話、兩種風格,但是音樂就是一種語言。」 「巴哈會即興、莫札特會即興、還有貝多芬...他們都會即興。」 「本質上,它們都是一樣的----它是音樂、是藝術、是感覺。」 最近我也讀到一篇由Steve Duke [ 美國爵士、古典薩克斯風演奏家,也是UNT(北德大)的校友,後來成為北伊利諾大學(Northern Illinois University)的薩克斯風教授] 的文章。他提到 「即興包含了作曲手法而且不限定於哪種風格。在傳統的西方古典音樂,巴哈、莫札特、貝多芬、李斯特都以他們的即興著稱;但有趣的是 :古典音樂在二十世紀時幾乎失去了即興的藝術,而爵士教育的即興幾乎專注於理論.... 」 很有趣,是嗎? 當我們回顧歷史,往往可以看見許多值得思考的點。音樂就是音樂,想像力就是想像力,我相信這種能力許多音樂人都有,只是沒有去挖掘它。如果太過死板的定義各種樂種,有時候會跳不出那個框框呢!   祝大家萬聖節快樂!
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 14:56:38 +0000

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