Parasites In People—Never Consume Anything Raw From an - TopicsExpress


Parasites In People—Never Consume Anything Raw From an Animal “Human toxoplasmosis is caused by Toxoplasma gondii (a parasitic protozoan responsible for a disease of the alimentary canal---fancy words for intestines), originally discovered in 1908 in a desert rodent. This potentially perilous parasite is estimated to infect 50 percent of the population of the United States…The principal means of acquiring the infection is either by ingestion of inadequately cooked meat—primarily beef, pork, and lamb—or raw milk, or by contact with cats, either feral (escaped from domestication and returned, partly or wholly, to its wild state) or domestic. Any cat, no matter how well cared for, may carry and pass the infective stage of Toxoplasma. Congenital toxoplasmosis (the passing of a parasitical infection from mother to unborn child via the placenta) is a very serious disease, and for this reason pregnant women should avoid contact with litter box filler used by cats. Flies and cockroaches have also been implicated as carriers of the infective stages from cat feces to food.” -Human Parasitology, (Third Edition) by Bogitsh, Ph.D., Carter, Ph.D., and Oeltmann, Ph. D, (page156) Give you the creeps? Hope so. The authors point out that “most of the infections are asymptomatic, with clinical toxoplasmosis affecting only a limited number of individuals.” But that said, at various stages of such an infection by this particular parasite, any of the following has the potential to happen: *Invasion of the parasites into lymph nodes (abdomen, neck, upper chest) leading to painful, swollen lymph glands, and frequently accompanied by fever, headache, anemia, muscle pain *Proliferation into many tissues accompanied by rapid destruction of cells and formation of lesions in the lungs, heart, liver, brain, eyes, intestines, muscles, nerves *Damage to the central nervous system *Stillbirths or a number of severe birth defects They also note that such an infection may also remain intact, and without producing symptoms for months or years, only to make its presence known at a later date…perhaps during a weakening of the body’s immune system, or perhaps just because it was ready to act. Oh yes, they’re sneaky. And folks, the above example of a parasite you can get from living with a cat in your house is just one of a couple of hundred different kinds of parasitical infections a body can pick up right here in these United States! The study of parasite infections in people reveals that these invading forces not only have the potential to wound tissues and destroy organs making them more prone to the development of chronic illnesses and degenerative diseases, but they leave behind very carcinogenic (in other words cancer-causing) waste products. Do I have your attention? I’ll tell ya what, we’ve tested thousands of people over the years who’ve come to us having been diagnosed with cancer in various parts of their bodies. We’ve noticed that parasitical infections are one of the key causative factors in the underlying pattern of nutrient deficiencies and toxic overloads that leads the body to produce and proliferate cancerous cells. Here at Frahm Health Solutions, I take parasites seriously! I grew up on the east coast of Iowa. Davenport, to be exact. The “nose” of Iowa, where the Mississippi river runs east and west rather than north and south. Although I was a “city slicker” attending an urban high school, many of my fellow students were farm kids. Farm life, I’ve since learned, involves the “deworming” of the cattle and the kids (and the hogs, for that matter) twice a year…e hell or high water. You live around animals? You’re gonna get parasites. These days I have close contact with lots of clients who live with animals (which I don’t, by the way, for reasons now obvious…but yes, parasites can be past from person to person). I practice what I refer to as the “Iowa Principle”. I do a full-blown parasite cleanse twice a year, whether I test as having a parasitical infection or not. In fact, we encourage everyone to do so. We all have some level of parasitical activity in our bodies. It’s a given. Better to regularly stay on top of these forces, rather than let them have their way toward something more damaging and deadly down the line. By their very nature, they don’t wish to be known. Stool tests won’t always show them. Bottom line, count on having some level of parasite activity in your body unless….well, I was going to say unless you’ve always lived in a bubble, but as I’ve already pointed, you can actually be born with parasites. “Parasites are the missing diagnosis in the genesis of many chronic health problems….Most individuals would be truly amazed if they knew the extraordinarily high number of Americans who are unknowingly infected by parasites.” -Hermann R. Bueno, MD ____________________________ SPECIAL NOTE: So, application to your life? Kill ‘em off regularly. Let me encourage you to practice the “Iowa Principle” yourself. There are all kinds of products that can be helpful to kill uninvited “critters” in your system. If youd like some help, let me know. I can put you on my calendar for either an office visit or a phone consultation. Fee is a mere $100 for initial consult, $75 thereafter. Just let me know via Personal Message here on FaceBook. Dr Dave Frahm, ND Frahm Health Solutions, LLC (frahmhealthsolutionsllc) In His Service for The Body
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 18:18:22 +0000

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