Peter Lawwell last night told angry Celtic fans they’re living - TopicsExpress


Peter Lawwell last night told angry Celtic fans they’re living in fantasy land if they believe he’s stockpiling millions. The Hoops chief executive was subject to supporter protests on Tuesday night as they crashed out of the UEFA Champions League for the second time this season. Dozens of fans demanded he leave as they raged over the loss of star players they insist haven’t been replaced. But Lawwell said: “The accusations and the push for spend, spend, spend is too simple, too superficial. “There is no pile of cash sitting there that we could look at, watch, feel and touch. It doesn’t exist. It is fantasy.” The Parkhead chief executive spoke at length yesterday as he laid out the reality of the clubs financial position as it operates with the constraints of Scottish football. Heres what he had to say during a recent newspaper interview this week. 1. How do you respond to the criticism about lack of investment? PL: We are bitterly disappointed at what has happened. We are all sharing the pain but we have to keep the head. The accusations and the push for spend, spend, spend is just too simple, too superficial. You need to be cleverer, especially in Scottish football’s environment. It is tough and there are real challenges. In terms of investment our policy our commitment is every penny that comes into the club will be reinvested, it will go back into the club. I do not think we can be clearer than that. There is no pile of cash sitting there that we could look at, watch, feel and touch. It doesn’t exist. It’s fantasy. We have a wee bit of cash reserve which gives us stability and we have money we can invest on the right players. We can do it at the right time and we have a track record of doing that. Lenny spent more than £30million, wee Gordon £38m, Martin was over £40m and Tony Mowbray was even £13-14m. We do back our managers financially and in every other aspect. Those are the facts. The frustration is these facts do not get through or people do not want to listen and are not taking them in. But those are the facts. Three years ago we were being told Celtic need Rangers, disaster, Armageddon the whole thing is going to fall apart. At the time I said we have a strategy that is not dependent on any other club and we are independent. That strategy is what we are doing and part of that is to bring players here and sell them to make a profit. We have lost millions over the period in terms of Rangers not being here and the way Scottish football is at the moment – the league does not have a sponsor and we do not have Rangers, so in order to keep our numbers up in the last two years we have given £4m back to the season-ticket holders with a £100 discount. So the way we have maintained our revenues is by making a profit in selling players. It is straightforward. If you look at our accounts there is no massive pile there that is being stockpiled. We can not be clearer. We can not give more than everything. Over the period in my time ... if you get away from this madness, this frenzy in the West of Scotland, we are recognised wherever you go in Europe as one of the best run clubs in Europe, if not the world. That is off the pitch and on the pitch in the last 10, 11 years – my time. I have been 11 years – if we win the title this year we have won it eight times, we have been in the Champions League group stages seven times, the last-16 stage three times and at the same time Rangers and Hearts have gone bust. 2. Do you agree that the quality on the pitch is less than it was two years ago? PL: We invest the money, it all goes back in. We can accept the challenge is replacing the players who leave with the same quality. Over the piece we’ve got more right than wrong. For Fraser Forster going, we’ve got Craig Gordon. For Kelvin Wilson we got Virgil van Dijk. For Gary Hooper? Have we replaced him? Good question. But it’s not for the want of trying or investment. That’s judgment and you do get some things wrong. Every club does. We could buy a £4m, £5m or £6m player who is value. But the consequences of that are he would want the £50k to £70k a week he would get elsewhere. That screws up your wage structure when you already have great players here who would make a case (for the same). In the context of Scottish football a £50k-a-week player would actually be more than Aberdeen, Dundee United or any other Premiership club’s wage bill by himself. We don’t want to sell our big players. We don’t have to but unfortunately the golden league is only 90 miles away - not just for money, but for reputation, style and everything else. What else do we do? We have to be clever, smarter. We have to bring in players who are undervalued, no matter where they come from, and develop them. Make them jump higher, run faster, last longer, more technically aware and then put them in the team and see how we go. 3. What do you say to the Celtic fan who says he isn’t getting value for money? PL: We still have just under 40,000 season-ticket holders. Number one, a Celtic supporter supports the club through thick and thin. He is supporting a team which is the best in Scotland by a mile, a club which has ambition and which is one of the best run clubs in the world. 4. But it looks like downsizing. PL: What do people mean by downsizing? That means cutting back. Well, in order to keep Celtic at a level with revenues dropping we are looking at our wage bill. Every other club in Scotland, perhaps with the exception of Aberdeen at the moment, are doing the same. Our own fans, in terms of engagement, are saying, “Well, we are going to win the league”. Competition is the lifeblood of sport – where is the competition? So downsizing? No. We are still investing the same amount of money. Our wage bill is still the same and we’ve been able to maintain it on the profit from selling players. 5. You spent £3m on the new frontage to the stadium. Why not use that money on squad? PL: I can understand people jumping to that conclusion. But if you scratch the surface the £3m for the frontage hasn’t got in the way of the budget. It has taken the club to a new level in terms of all aspects of quality and standards. And it’s a question of choices. Another question could be should we have given back £4m in season tickets with a £100 reward? There was £4m the year before that. It’s a balance and it can’t be spend, spend, spend on players. 6. If Rangers were challenging would your spend be different? PL: Our income would have been different so yes. Rangers going out has taken a lot of money out, not just for Celtic but out of the game. With Hearts going out of the league too with Hibs that’s taken money out of the game. 7. But a £15m profit has been made in the past two years. Is it too simple to say half of it should be invested in the squad? PL: That’s too simple, yes. It’s all about value. We invest when we think there is value. Selling players now, in effect, pays the bills. It keeps Celtic Park at the level it’s at. It keeps Lennoxtown at the level it’s at and maintains how we treat our staff, everything. 8. Have you gone for the £6m-£8m player and what are the difficulties? PL: Let’s take Steven Fletcher, who would cost £6m to £7m and is on £37,000 a week and is 27. That is a huge investment. You would go for Fletcher if there was a deal to be done for him on loan or such like. But the difficulty of getting someone up here at that level is that. We have had knockbacks from much lesser players than that level. If they want to come and play here there is then the difficulty of their salary. 9. But paying £2m for players is always a gamble, particularly for a striker, no? PL: There is a lot of money wisely invested but yes. There are errors we have made and the striker is the most important position. We have made errors but I don’t think it’s a gamble. For all the wrongs we’ve had Wanyama, Ki, Hooper, van Dijk, Adam Matthews, Lustig. You could go on and on. But the striker is a fair criticism. Last year when Hooper went you would think what we brought in could have done better than we have. That is accepted but it happens. And at every club. 10. How has Ronny Deila handled his first few weeks? PL: He’s coped well. I think he is following a great Celtic manager, a Celtic legend, which brings its difficulties. He is young. He has a lot of fantastic ideas. He’s progressive, he’s intelligent and he develops players, which fits what we’re trying to do here. Nothing prepares you for Celtic, nothing. Even Lenny, nothing prepares you for that job. He’s got in his own mind a change of philosophy, a change of systems and ways of doing things. And he’s got to qualify for the Champions League. So it’s a bit of a sh**storm. It is a baptism of fire. That chapter, in some respects, has closed. Not a happy ending but it’s closed and we move on. He is going to build his team and do what he wants to do without that short-term pressure. Hopefully he’s got that year in order to go and test things and take things on. 11. Can you handle the personal abuse? PL: You have to look where it’s coming from firstly. There is a silent majority of the Celtic support that do appreciate because the facts are there. If people scratch the surface they will see what is being done. It’s not just me, it’s the board. In terms of the abuse, I’ve been a Celtic supporter all my life. The pain hurts, in terms of results. In terms of my family - my brothers, my kids, my wife and cousins who all go to the games are who I feel for. I feel responsible for bringing that on them. You either put up with it or you don’t. That’s the business we are in. It’s frenzied, it’s hysterical and you either say it comes with the territory or you say, Adios”. 12. Have you been tempted by other offers? PL: Yes, I’ve been tempted but I’ve made the decision to stay here. I’ve had a few offers. 13. So what keeps you here? PL: I love the club. This is my club. Anything else would be a job, this is a passion. That would be the difference. And I have a loyalty to Dermot. I like working for him and for the board. But I’m 55 now and can’t do it forever. I can’t tell where I’ll be in five years ... you’re only as good as your last game!
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 11:06:59 +0000

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