Today got a call asking why I cant stand Domingo Garcia. - TopicsExpress


Today got a call asking why I cant stand Domingo Garcia. Politically we agree on many thing. It has nothing to do with politics, it has to do with my Children. Many of my friends know how much I adore my Children and recently and neccessarily I filed a Motion for Custody of my Children, Domingo hearing this reach out to the mother of my children and met with her and in front of my Children promised to kick my ass and represent her Pro Bono as my son Nico says ...Papa Domingo Garcia la va a representar gratis. THAT IS DOMINGO GARCIA FOR YOU, HE REFER IT TO ONE OF HIS BUDDIES AND MY FIGHT CONTINUES FOR THE BEST INTEREST OF MY CHILDREN. This is more important than running for Congress. Hearing is set for Sept. Public is invited.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 23:08:45 +0000

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