WWE Raw Results – December 2nd, 2013 We open the show live - TopicsExpress


WWE Raw Results – December 2nd, 2013 We open the show live with CM Punk in Oklahoma City. CM Punk says he has tried to figure out for one week why The Shield did what they did to him. He then says deep down he knows the reason but he wishes he was wrong. He says he knows he made “the cardinal sin” by criticizing Triple H last week, and how coincidentally on the same night he is attacked by The Shield. He then says he hopes hes wrong because Triple H would no better than to try and poke one of the most anti authority figures in WWE history. He then says if he is right then they are the stupidest people on this planet. Stephanie McMahons music hits. Stephanie says that she hopes he had a good Thanksgiving. Punk doesn’t buy it and Stephanie doesn’t know why he doesn’t believe her. She then says all the stuff he said is beneath her and Triple H and they are just as mad at The Shield as they are. She then says if he has a problem she can talk to the Director of Operations; Kane. Kane comes out and says that the Authority had nothing to do with the attack from The Shield, and if he has any questions he can ask now. CM Punk then asks when he became the big red kissass. Kane then says to not take this lightly and CM Punk says not to patronize him. CM Punk then continues on and tells Kane to take off his cheap suit and get in the ring so he can put him to sleep. The Shields music hits. Stephanie tells The Shield to stop and that CM Punk should be respected and admired. Kane then says he should also be challenged. Kane then continues on and says that CM Punk will face all 3 members of The Shield in a 3 on 1 handicap match at TLC. We are told a contract signing between Orton and Cena will happen later tonight, and that we can go on the app and name what the champion of that match will be called. The choices are the Unified Champion, the Undisputed WWE Champion, or the Undisputed World Champion. Damien Sandow will face Dolph Ziggler up next to determine the #1 contender for the Intercontinental Championship. We head to commercial. We return and are told that the Slammys are next week. Damien Sandow is already in the ring for his upcoming match. Big E Langston is on commentary. Dolph Ziggler vs Damien Sandow The match starts with Ziggler going for a roll up and getting a one count. Dolph hits a dropkick. Dolph goes for the Zig Zag but Sandow leaves the ring. Ziggler follows and Sandow catches him and slams his head on the steel steps. Sandow comes in the ring and begins to beat down Ziggler. Sandow hits a Russian leg sweep and follows it with the Elbow of Disdain. Sandow goes for a Moonsault but misses. Ziggler hits a jumping DDT and goes for the cover but only gets a 2 count. Sandow crawls to the corner and Ziggler jumps at him and hits 1o punches, followed by a neckbreaker. Ziggler then hits a fameasser after reversing a neckbreaker from Sandow. Sandow however catches Ziggler into the You’re Welcome for the 3 count. Winner: Damien Sandow Sandow and Big E have a stare down as we cut to a tale of the tape between Randy Orton and John Cena. We head back to commercial. We return with AJ and Tamina making her way to the ring. Summer Rae, Tamina, and AJ Lee vs The Bella Twins and Natalya AJ skips around the ring while Nikki and Tamina start off this match. Tamina and Nikki slap each other before Nikki goes for a crucifix pin for a 2 count. Nikki hits a dropkick and tags in Brie. Brie is thrown down by Tamina and goes for a cover for a 2 count. Brie fights back but Tamina begins to headbutt her to the ground. Summer is tagged in and chokes Brie in the middle rope with her leg. Summer lets go at 4 and goes for a cover for a 2 count. Tamina is tagged in and chokes Brie in the corner. Summer is tagged back in and does the same. Brie fights out and tries to make a tag but Summer stops her. Summer hits a facebuster for a 2 count. Brie fights to her corner and tags in Natalya. Natalya tries to clothesline Summer in the corner but misses. AJ is tagged in and tries to kick Natalya in the guy but is put in the sharpshooter. Tamina breaks it up and The Bellas clean house. AJ is rolled up by Natalya for the 3 count. Winners: The Bella Twins and Natalya We are told Eric Rowan will face Daniel Bryan later tonight on Raw. We head to commercial. We return to Raw with Bad New Barrett. Wade Barrett is at a podium at ringside. Barrett says he has good news, and bad news. Wade Barrett says the good news is they are live on Monday Night Raw. The bad news is that they are in a hilly billy arena, where they had to name the city after there state so they can remember it. A video effect shows up on the screen that says “#BadNewsBarrett”. We then cut to the back with Orton and Maddox. Orton says Maddox needs to tell the Authority that he is the greatest WWE Champion of all time, and that he is bigger than the WWE himself. Daniel Bryan makes his way to the ring, and his match is up next after the commercial break. Daniel Bryan vs Erik Rowan Bryan starts the match up with a kick that shows no effect to Rowan. Rowan hits a massive shoulder block. Bryan begins to hit multiple kicks to Rowan, and follows it with a sleeper hold. Rowan flips him over his head and throws him in the corner. Bryan gets his knees up on Rowan and follows it with a top rope knee to the head. Rowan still is on his feet and Bryan tries to lock in his Yes Lock. Rowan pushes him off and hits a scoop slam. Rowan tries for another scoop slam but Bryan fights out. Bryan hits multiple kicks and goes for the Yes Lock again, but Rowan grabs the ropes. Rowan takes Bryan down again and then throws him out of the ring. Rowan goes outside but Bryan runs back in and tries for a diving cross body. Rowan catches him and whips him into the barricade. Bryan is down as we head to commercial. We return with Bryan in a headlock from Rowan. Bryan fights out but is taken down with another scoop slam. Rowan picks Bryan up into a bear hug. Bryan fights out but runs right into a clothesline. Rowan throws Bryan to the outside, and Irish whips him into the steel steps. Rowan throws him in the ring and Bryan is covered for a 2 count. Bryan fights back and hits a dropkick in the corner. Bryan goes for it again but runs into another massive clothesline. Rowan kicks Bryan in the face three straight times, and goes for a cover but only gets a 2 count. Rowan chokes Bryan in the middle of the ring, but Bryan begins to fight back again. Bryan hits multiple kicks but Rowan catches him into a fallaway slam. Rowan then hits a splash in the corner and goes for the cover but gets a 2 count. Rowan hits a backbreaker and goes for a big splash but Bryan moves out of the way. Rowan falls to the outside and Bryan hits a suicide dive. Rowan gets in the ring and Bryan goes up top and hits a top rope dropkick. Bryan hits multiple kicks to the chest and goes for a head kick but Rowan catches him. Bryan takes a big boot but catches Rowan by surprise with a roll up for the 3 count. Winner: Daniel Bryan Bray Wyatt appears on the titantron and tells Rowan and Harper to stand down. He says that they wont hurt him unless he says so. He says he was wrong about Daniel Bryan. He asks how long it will take until he realizes everyone looks at him like a circus clown. He says that he sees a monster in him, and that together they can bring the machine to its knees. He tells Bryan to open his eyes and the screen cuts black. We head to commercial break. We return to the back with Daniel Bryan. Bryan runs into Kane. Kane says that since Bryan is friends, they should face the same challenge. At TLC Daniel Bryan will face all 3 members of the Wyatt Family. Kane mocks Bryan with Yes chants and we cut to the ring. Xavier Woods and R Truth vs Tons of Funks Woods and Brodus start off the match, with Woods hitting multiple kicks to try and take him down. Brodus catches him and throws him down. Tensai is tagged in Woods begins to gain some offense. Woods hits a jaw breaker and tags in Truth. Truth hits 9 punches in the corner, and bounces off the ropes but runs into a clothesline. Brodus is tagged in and begins to beat down Truth. Truth fights back and hits a huge kick to take Brodus down. Truth tags in Woods and Woods begins to take it Brodus. Woods hits the Honour Roll, and knocks Tensai off the corner. Brodus knocks Woods down and follows it with a T Bone Suplex. Brodus goes for a middle rope splash but misses. Woods rolls him over and gets the 3 count for the win. Winners: R Truth and Xavier Woods Brodus and Tensai look to have some tension in the ring as Woods and Truth celebrate. We are told The Rhodes and Big Show will team tonight to face The Shield in a 6 man tag match tonight. We cut to commercial break. We return to Raw with Sin Cara making his way to the ring. Del Rio grabs a mic and says Sin Care is a disgrace to Mexico and that he will beat him so bad that he will bring him to the other side of the border. Sin Cara vs Alberto Del Rio Del Rio and Sin Cara lock up, with Del Rio getting the advantage. Sin Cara fights off Del Rio, and hits a top rope arm drag. Sin Cara then throws Del Rio to the outside and hits a springboard moonsault. Sin Cara brings him in the ring and when he gets on the apron, Del Rio kicks back outside. Del Rio throws Sin Cara at the barricade, and brings him in the ring for a 2 count. Del Rio puts Sin Cara in a headlock. Sin Cara gets out and hits a hurricanrana. Sin Cara goes up top and hits a diving headbutt. Del Rio however gets control with a German Suplex for a 2 count. Del Rio goes for the arm breaker but misses. Sin Cara goes up top and hits a Senton bomb for the 3 count! Winner: Sin Cara Sin Cara celebrates as we cut to a video of Cena and Ortons long time rivalry. We head back to commercial. We return to the back where Renee Young is interviewing John Cena. Renee asks what it would be to Cena if he wins the Unified Championship. John Cena says there has always been a debate who is the real world champion. He then says at TLC it will happen, and that their should only be one champion. Him winning means everything. We then cut to The Shield in the back. All 3 claim that even one on one CM Punk wouldn’t stand a chance against any of them. The Rhodes are now making their way to the ring. Cody Rhodes, Goldust, and Big Show vs The Shield Big Show and Dean Ambrose start off this match. Ambrose tries to take down Show but Show takes him down with a snapmare. Big Show hits a chop on Ambrose in the corner, and whips him into the opposite corner. Big Show then chops him two more times to the crowds enjoyment. Ambrose crawls to his corner and tags in Rollins. Big Show hits a giant scoop slam on Rollins, and follows it with an elbow drop. Rollins crawls to his corners and tags in Reigns. Reigns pushes Big Show, and Show immediately goes to work. Show then hits two more chops, this time to Reigns. Reigns pokes him in the eye and tags in Ambrose. Ambrose goes up top but Big Show throws him down. Goldust is tagged in and takes down Ambrose. Cody is tagged in and hits a low knee to Ambrose. Rollins is tagged in but Cody then hits hits a face first suplex for a 2 count. Goldust is tagged in and hits an axe handle drop for a 2 count. Cody brings Rollins a corner and Irish whips him into another, and follows it with a back drop. Rollins fights back and brings him into The Shields corner and tags in Ambrose. Cody fights back and hits a moonsault. Cody goes for Cross Rhodes but Ambrose rolls out. Ambrose hits a cheap shot on Cody and is now in control as we head to commercial. We return with Rollins in control over Cody. Cody tries to fight back but Rollins hits a low dropkick. Ambrose is tagged in and hits multiple stomps to the chest. Reigns is tagged in and puts Cody in an arm lock. Cody fights out and goes for the disaster kick but is taken down with a clothesline. Rollins is tagged in and hits a running forearm in the corner. Rollins begins to choke Cody in the bottom rope. Rollins goes for the running forearm again but misses and hits his head on the turnbuckle. Ambrose is tagged in and Cody hits a double dropkick on Ambrose and Rollins. Reigns is tagged in and Cody tags in Big Show. Big Show begins his comeback and as he bounces off the rope, Ambrose pulls the rope down and Show falls to the outside. Big Show gets in the ring at 8 and Reigns immediately goes on the attack. Rollins is tagged in and hits a top rope flying knee. Rollins hits multiple kicks to the head and tags in Ambrose. Show tries to fight back but Ambrose continues to dominate. Reigns is tagged in and puts Show in a headlock. Show fights out but Reigns hits a big clothesline. Ambrose is tagged in and goes for a cover for a 2 count. Ambrose puts Show in a headlock and Big Show gets out with a back suplex. Reigns is tagged in and Show hits him with a chokeslam. Big Show tags in Goldust and Rollins is tagged in by Reigns. Goldust begins his comeback on Rollins, and follows it with a top rope hurricanrana. Goldust hits a spinebuster and goes for the cover but Ambrose breaks it up. Cody is thrown to the outside by Ambrose and Ambrose is taken to the outside by Big Show. Big Show is speared by Reigns but Cody takes out Reigns. Goldust superplexes Ambrose but Rollins immediately rolls up Goldust for the 3 count. Winners: The Shield CM Punk will address The Shield up next after the commercial break. We return with Renee in the back with CM Punk. She asks his reactions to the 3 on 1 handicap match. CM Punk sarcastically says that he is extremely happy with it. He then says he is going to hell, and that he will go down. But the real question is how many will he take with me. We return with Bad News Barrett. Barrett says the good news is that Thanksgiving was Thursday. He says the bad news is that they are fat, they sweat when they eat, and that they are all constipated. We then cut back stage with Kofi and Miz as they will team up against Axel and Ryback up next. We return and are told Goldust will face Ryback on Main Event. Ryback and Curtis Axel vs Kofi Kingston and The Miz Miz and Axel will start the match off. Axel hits Miz with an elbow, but is taken down by a clothesline from Miz. Kofi is tagged in and hits a clothesline. Kofi tags in Miz and Miz tries for the figure four. Axel fights out and hits a huge clothesline. Ryback is tagged in and hits a power slam, followed by a big splash. Ryback begins to beat down on Miz and hits a stalling suplex for a 2 count. Ryback tags in Axel and Axel hits a dropkick for a 2 count. Ryback is tagged in and hits a low kick for a 2 count. Miz is put in a bear hug but Miz fights out and tags Kofi. Ryback knocks off Miz but Kofi hits a diving cross body. Kofi goes up top but Ryback catches him. Ryback hits the Shell Shock for the 3 count. Winners: Ryback and Curtis Axel Miz slaps Kofi after the match and storms off looking extremely frustrated. We are shown a replay of Ortons blindside attack on Cena last week as we head back to commercial. We return with Fandango in the ring with Summer Rae Fandango vs Mark Henry Mark Henry starts the match off throwing Fandango to the ground. Fandango begins to dance and Henry grabs him and power slams him. Henry begins to dance in front of Summer Rae, and then headbutts Fandango. Fandango finally gains some offense, following it with a low dropkick to get Henry down. Fandango hits a cross body from the top rope for a 2 count. Mark Henry gets up and hits a big clothesline and follows it with the World Strongest Slam for the 3 count. Winner: Mark Henry Mark Henry celebrates in the ring, as Michael Cole shows us a replay of Titus O’neil throwing up on JBL and Cole. This takes us to the commercial break. We return with the Prime Time Players in the ring. We are also told CM Punk will face one of the members of The Shield on Smackdown. The Real Americans vs The Prime Time Players Titus and Swagger start the match off, with Swagger gaining the early control. Titus turns it around with a splash in the corner, and follows it with a clothesline. Titus then hits a back drop, but tastes Swaggers boot right after. Cesaro is tagged in and begins to beat on Titus in the corner. Cesaro throws Titus on the outside and tags in Swagger. Swagger hits a clothesline on Titus on the outside, and brings him in the ring for a 2 count. Titus begins to fight back but Swagger takes him down. Swagger hits the Swagger Bomb and Cesaro is tagged in and hits the catapult foot stomp. Cesaro hits a gut wrench suplex and tags in Swagger. Swagger puts Titus in an arm lock but Titus fights out. Cesaro is tagged in and hits a suplex on Titus. Cesaro puts Titus in a headlock and then sets him up for a the swing. Everyone including Swagger and Colter tell him to stop but Cesaro does it anyway. Colter makes him stop and Titus looks like he is about to throw up. Darren tag himself in and begins to make comeback for his team. Darren takes down Swagger but Cesaro hits a massive uppercut for the 3 count. Winners: The Real Americans Triple H and Stephanie are heading to the ring as the contract signing is up next. We head to commercial. We return and are told that the winner of the unification match will be called the Unified Champion. Triple H and Stephanie McMahon are now making their way to the ring. Triple H grabs a mic and says that he has scheduled one of the most coveted matches in WWE history. He then says there will not be a champion, but “the” champion. Stephanie then says that they guarantee their will be one undisputed unified champion. Randy Orton is introduced. John Cena is then introduced. Triple H gives both men a little history lesson of who held both titles, with Stephanie mentioning Triple H in both categories. Triple H says that they waited for this match to happen until now because they feel like they have found a time where both of these men could be the face of the WWE. Either of these men can do it, and now its their chance to cement their legacy. Randy signs the contract, and Cena follows him. Orton grabs a mic and says that Hunter is right. He says some of the biggest names have held these titles, but he is the biggest name to hold both of those titles. Randy says he has something in common with a lot of people, and that is that they hate John Cena. Orton says he will put him out of his misery and be the face of the company. John Cena tries to speak but Orton tells him to shut up. Orton says that the only reason Cena was put on the planet so he can lose the biggest match of his life. Cena interrupts him and says the Triple H made a mistake with him. Cena says that Orton makes everything look easy, but then he got cocky, and then he got lazy. He threw everything away and let a kid in a t shirt and ball cap take his dream. He then says that Orton will have to earn everything he gets at TLC, and that he is starting to tick him off. Cena then says Orton to leave or make a move, and if he makes a move he will remind everyone what a TLC match is all about. Orton flips the table and both men begin to brawl. Cena grabs a ladder and hits him with it. Orton then throws Cena off him and rips everything off the announce table. Cena once again hits him with a ladder and then he hits him with a chair. Cena throws Orton in the ring and Orton hits Cena with a ladder. Orton then grabs a chair and he begins to whack Cena with one. Orton grabs a table and begins to set it up. Cena fights back and puts Orton through a leaning table. Cena then puts Orton the the table with an AA. Cena holds both titles up as Raw goes off the air.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 12:25:35 +0000

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