#empowering #EVERYGIRLMUSTWATCH When we had our daughter we - TopicsExpress


#empowering #EVERYGIRLMUSTWATCH When we had our daughter we gained a new set of rules in our house..those rules included; ALWAYS tell her shes beautiful, loved, accepted, it doesnt matter what others say about her or to her, she doesnt need anyone else to complete her, she is cherished, special, important, she can do ANYTHING, she is amazing....you get the drift...(And if you ask my daughter if shes beautiful shell tell you that she is, like, of COURSE she is!). NEVER tell her shes fat, ugly, not good enough, that her opinion doesnt matter, that she cant do something, that she is weak, or that she needs lots of friends to survive in the world, that she should look a certain way or act a certain way to fit in with what society demands of a girl...watching this video, Im proud of what we have set in place for our baby girl & of the confidence she has in herself & how much she is loved, valued & wanted...but it also makes me more determined to fight for those rules to be held in place as she develops into the amazing & beautiful young woman I know shes going to be...and I hope more girls, young and old can apply them to their lives too....
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 07:51:40 +0000

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