David McCalmon Posts - TopicsExpress


Posts by David McCalmon

Hey remember all the police unions that came out and declared war
Hey remember all the police unions that came out and declared war on white conservatives? Remember the racial backlash on white people over what happe...
This is Pharoah Montuhotep II, (ca. 2030 BCE) the 11th Dynasty
This is Pharoah Montuhotep II, (ca. 2030 BCE) the 11th Dynasty king who reunited Kemet (ancient Egypt) after the political collapse of the Old Kingdom...
I remember as a young child (I couldnt have been more than 10)
I remember as a young child (I couldnt have been more than 10) driving with my dad, where we were going I dont remember but we were somewhere in Queen...
Historical Fact: 80% of the African captives did not survive the
Historical Fact: 80% of the African captives did not survive the Middle Passage from Africa to the Americas. So many Africans died & were tossed overb...
Random thought: The Botanical Gardens in Guyana, South America.
Random thought: The Botanical Gardens in Guyana, South America. And my small infant hands petting the manatees. My first plane ride to America. Playin...

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