to everyone who still cant think for themselves and are blinded by - TopicsExpress


to everyone who still cant think for themselves and are blinded by the bullocks they follow day in day out! I am sure everyone knows at least one Muslim and I am even more sure they arent a terrorist, they arent looking to kill your family, they arent carrying bombs in their pockets and they definitely are not forcing Islam down your throat so please think twice when you read your newspapers and watch your news on tv and just remember the difference between Muslims you know and the image the media is portraying about us if that doesnt make something click in your brain I hope it triggers something in your heart so that you may know that Islam does not preach hate. Hate comes from people not religion!! Know the difference! Knowledge first, judgement second!!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 23:02:29 +0000

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