하루죈일비을맞앗다.Allday Igot rain. So I hadgot wet! - TopicsExpress


하루죈일비을맞앗다.Allday Igot rain. So I hadgot wet! 우산이없엇기때믄이야! cuzIhave noumbrella! 아디다스신발이빵꾸라도낫는지 온발이다젖엇다 My adidasshoes might have a hole! My foot absolutley had got wet! 역겹고비린냄시가낫다. Smelled like teen spirit! From there What a gross!!!! Yucky! disgusting! From my foot! 집에돌아오니 8시반 at830pm when I came back home신발을빨고 넘피건해서 조금잠이들엇다 I did laundry the shoes, too tired, coudnt help getting slept 9시반 일어나서 신발을 말렷다 at930pm woke up and tried drying shoes 11시 말린신발을신고집을나섯다 at11pm I started hanging out with dried shoes on. 11시25분드디어한국식당을 찾앗는데 거절당햇다 방금끝낫다고 At11:25 I atlast finally got a Korean restaurant but failed. They said "closed" 씨바ssiba 11시31분at11:31 I greatly found newone. 새로운델찾아냇고 끝낫지만 특별히 해준데 theysaid originally closed but for me! they gave a service 내가딱해보엿능가보지 they might see I was starving 냉면세트시켯다 I got cold two kind of Korean cold noodles because its summer 춥긴해도 여름이니깐! 근데자꾸나보고천천히먹으래 괜탄다고 they kept saying to me again and again "Itsokay You can eat slowly! " 순식간에 비냉 물냉 절반씩세트를 먹어치웟다. But just a miniute I finished. 동낫다고 해야하나. Absolutley over! 내가 그렇게 냉면을 빨리 먹어치웟던건 그가게 못문닫게해서 미안햇기때뭉은 추호털끝만끔도아니고 그냉면이 기가막히게 맛잇엇기 때문이엇단것을 그들은 아마몰랏던거야! They might not know that why I ate all that super fast is not because I felt sorry for disturbing them closing the store but because the Korean cold noodle was amazingly delicious! -밴쿠바ㅇㅔ서 from vancouver
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 09:39:35 +0000

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