⭐️TRANSFORMATION TUESDAY⭐️ TO PROUD OF THIS BEAUTIFUL LADY/CLIENT AND HER PROGRESS IN JUST 3 WEEKS ON HER PERSONALISED PLAN ANY PREGNANT LADIES OR LADIES FEELING EXTREAMLY DOWN ABOUT YOUR BODY THIS IS A MUST READ ... How this lady has turned her body around is fabulous ❤️ love getting messages like this... Please tag and share with others who need uplifting too ❤️❤️❤️ I decided to contact Heather 4 months after I had my beautiful twin boys, Rocco and Santino. I have always enjoyed the gym and loved to work out before I became pregnant, as I was pregnant with twins I found it hard to carry on training from week 20. When I became pregnant I was worried how much weight I was going to gain (which sounds silly, as most people cant wait for that big round bump!) For me it was different, I felt like I wasnt in control of my body anymore which really scared me, but soon realised I just had to go with the flow. I came to terms with this and decided to carry on eating healthily and doing what i can not to pile on the extra pounds, other than the much needed baby weight. All was going well, only my bump was growing and I was happy how I was looking pregnant. I began to embrace my bump and my body and began to enjoy being pregnant. When I reached week 30, I really started to feel the strain, I was still at work, against all professionals advice and my legs began to swell. I knew this was normal in pregnancy, but i did not expect to happen what did. My legs grew to a point where I couldnt physically walk anymore, I couldnt even lie down as the weight of the fluid around my body was just too heavy for my spine to handle. I went into hospital where they weighed me and I was 16 and a half stone and only 5 ft 1. I had gained 6 stone in total and 4 stone of this was just fluid. I was un recognisable. I had never felt so terrible in my whole life. Eventually the consultant decided I needed an emergency caesarean section as my kidneys had reached a point of near failure, I was on the operating table within 20 minutes of finding out what state my body was in. Then my beautiful babies came into the world, this was the best day of my life :) Afterwards, when I began to recover, I absolutely HATED how I looked. I had no clothes or even shoes that fitted me, I was so big. I had no idea how to dress for this size, I couldnt even walk up the stairs in my house without stopping twice before reaching the top. Where they had cut me, I had a disgusting overhang of skin at my stomach. I was distraught, felt ugly, worn out and I couldnt bare to look at myself in the mirror. My confidence had just depreciated to nothing, it even affected my relationship. This pregnancy had taken literally everything out of me and from me. I used to avoid going out with friends or any occasion which meant me getting dressed up, as it always ended with me in tears on my bedroom floor. Most of the time I never ended up going out in the end. I decided to do something about it so joined my local gym 9 weeks after having the babies, they said I could do no core or weight lifting for 3-6 months..this was another kick in the face for me. When I felt fit and able, I decided to contact Heather and ask her for her help, This was the start of something amazing for me. I was ready and raring to go to get myself back on track and get rid of these awful feelings I had towards myself! I wanted to be a fit and healthy mum to my boys and to look and most importantly feel amazing at the same time! Heather has really helped and supported me all the way. She asked me lots of questions in order to tailor my plan around me and my lifestyle - what works for me might not work for someone else. I was asked my favourite foods and foods that I didnt like, I was also asked how many times a week I am able to train. Heather has provided me with a healthy and delicious meal plan which is great, as I can prepare my food all in one day for the week ahead. This means no extra cooking during the week, which works for best for me having two 4 month old babies to look after. Heather also advised me on how to structure my weekly training, I work different body parts everyday so no two days in the gym are the same - this keeps it interesting! When I feel like im having a day where I just want to eat loads, Ill message Heather and she always comes back with inspirational words, quotes and things to think about - which get me straight back on track. So far I am in my 4th week, coming towards the end of my first phase and I am over the moon with the results so far. As well as losing some weight, I have lost inches. Not only this, but my skin feels so much healthier, smooth and has an all round glow to it. I am starting to feel my muscles coming through and feel much stronger than I did, I feel i have so much more energy for my boys. Even running up the stairs to put their dummies in, I can feel the benefit of this transformation. My confidence is returning and growing more and more each day. I am so excited to see my transformation at the end of the 12 weeks as so much has changed already. As well as all this, my confidence has grown immensely! I went out for my first cheat meal with my sister and decided to get dressed up - I was dreading this moment as per usual. I took a dress out of my wardrobe which I love but have never worn due to how awful I felt and looked in it, my sister urged me to try it on, I did and I LOVED how it looked. I really could not believe how different it looked and I looked! Im so excited for more of these moments, this is all thanks to Heathers support, motivation, inspirational words and of course the plan. By far one of the best choices Ive made was to write that first message asking for her help. I definitely treat this as a lifestyle and not a diet and I plan to keep this up way past the 12 weeks. Heather has truly helped me turn my life around, I was someone who found every excuse to stay in the house, wearing mens t shirts that were 3 sizes too big, to someone who now looks forward to friends birthdays, wearing clothes with confidence and running around after my two babies. Thanks Heather! This is only 4 weeks into the plan, roll on the next 8 weeks!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 16:25:28 +0000

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