----- Forwarded Message ---- From: Randy Conway To: - TopicsExpress


----- Forwarded Message ---- From: Randy Conway To: "randallconway@yahoo" Sent: Mon, June 3, 2013 12:45:07 PM Subject: Fw: White River National Blueway ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Troy Rejda To: tlr@hush Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 4:12 PM Subject: FW: White River National Blueway Please pass this along to everyone: TR Dear Tea Partiers & Ozark Property Rights Coalition Chapters, My name is Bill Gracy, bijousr@hotmail, cell 417 846-3928. I am a member of the SWMO Tea Party and Treasurer of the Barry County Chapter of the Ozark Property Rights Coalition. This is an alert for immediate action against Federal Designation of 12 Counties in Missouri, and most of north and central Arkansas down to the confluence of the Arkansas River and the Mississippi River, as a White River Watershed National Blueway. This is a major Attack on our Property Rights! ACTION MUST BE TAKEN PRIOR TO July 6, 2013. The 12 Counties affected in Missouri are: BARRY, CHRISTIAN, DOUGLAS, GREENE, HOWELL, LAWRENCE, OZARK, STONE, TANEY, TEXAS, WEBSTER, & WRIGHT. The “National Blueway” concerns the January 2013 designation of the White River Watershed Area by the Department of the Interior as a “National Blueway”. This will affect property owners throughout southern Missouri (12 Counties) and most of north and central Arkansas down to the confluence of the Arkansas River and the Mississippi River. This is a huge property rights violation by the Federal Government. We must stop this at the County level, since the Agenda 21 Law passed by the Missouri Legislature will not take effect until August and has NO RETROACTIVITY clause. The Interior Department has dramatically overreached it authority, and if left unopposed, may irrevocably alter the property rights of ALL Americans, not just those of us who are directly affected by this specific situation. We must act immediately to stop this! HERE’S THE PLAN In order to fight this federal action, we must 1) Educate ourselves about the scope of this action, 2) Notify our fellow organizations in all affected Missouri counties, and 3) Demand our individual County Commissions pass a Resolution to stop this Blueway designation. Below you will find reference information from “Secure Arkansas”, a Grassroots Property Rights organization in Little Rock, Arkansas. They contacted our Missouri State Rep. Scott Fitzpatrick, who in turn forwarded this to members of the Southwest Missouri SWMO Tea Party. We are now taking action. We can get this done, but we must proceed with haste! Here is how we will do it! First: Education; go to the “Secure Arkansas” website, follow the “INSTRUCTIONS” below to “What is the White River Watershed National Blueway?” for background information. Get the info out to your members immediately. Second: View the MAPs of the National Blueway affected area--follow the instructions below. If this doesn’t scare you, NOTHING WILL! Third: View the Resolution (Arkansas) which we can use as a template to take to our individual County Commissioners for their ACTION. Just follow the instructions below. Fourth: Immediately contact your Missouri State Representative for your District, brief them on the situation, and GET THEM ON BOARD! It would be most helpful if your Representative accompanies you to the County Commission to assist you in forcing immediate action. Remember, our 6 month window to stop this Blueway designation runs out July 6, 2013. If your State Rep balks at helping you, our Rep. Scott Fitzpatrick may be able to assist. Fifth: Immediately PASS ON THIS INFO TO ANY Tea Party & Property Rights organizations in the affected counties. Sixth: I will be working on re-typing the Arkansas Resolution so it can easily be tailored to each Missouri County. I will distribute it as soon as possible. Seventh: Get on the Agenda for your next County Commission Meeting. Eighth: Contact your U.S Reps. Tell them that you are against the Dept. of Interior violation of our property rights with their Designation of the White River Watershed National Blueway! 1. U.S. Rep, Billy Long Springfield Office 417 889-1800, 2. U.S. Senator Roy Blunt, Springfield Office 2740 B East Sunshine Springfield, MO 65804 Phone: (417) 877-7814 Fax: (417) 823-9662 3. U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill, Springfield Office 324 Park Central West, Ste. 101 Springfield, Missouri 65806 Phone 417-868-8745 Fax 417-831-1349 INSTRUCTIONS: · What is the White River Watershed National Blueway?: Go to the “Secure Arkansas” Website arkansas.securetherepublic/main/. Check link to “legislative alerts”, look in the box on the right entitled “RECENT POSTS”. Under this you will find two articles; 1)“What is the White River Watershed National Blueway?”, and 2) “Help Oppose the Destruction of our Heartland.” These articles will show you the scope of the problem. · MAPs: In the second paragraph of the “What is the White River Watershed National Blueway” article above, you will find a “click here” in blue to take you to the three maps of affected areas in both Arkansas and Missouri. · Memorandum of Understanding: In the 4th paragraph of the article “Help Oppose the Destruction of our Heartland” you will find a link in blue to the “Memorandum of Understanding”. · Back on the Main page above arkansas.securetherepublic/main/ click on the blue colored “Resolution” to view the proposed resolution for our fight against the blueway designation. Remember, I will be re-typing this to get it ready for use in Missouri County Commission meetings. · For those of us who may be impatient or have trouble following the links, you’ll find SOME of the info you are looking for starting on the page below: Ref: What is the White River Watershed National Blueway? arkansas.securetherepublic/main/what-is-the-white-river-watershed-national-blueway/ What is the White River Watershed National Blueway? Posted on May 20, 2013 by admin WHAT & WHERE? In 2012, the Department of Interior established the National Blueways System which brings various unelected environmental stakeholders and organizations, as well as local, state, federal, and international bureaucrats together for environmental issues in the White River Watershed area and for building a sustainable economic region. In actuality, it looks like it could be a future federal land grab under United Nations Agenda 21, and we will be used as a biosphere model for other areas in the United States. *Watershed means every square inch of land from which rainfall runoff eventually draws into the White River, including your own back yard! The misconception is that this affects ONLY the White River, but this is incorrect. This could affect your property even if you don’t live near the White River. Click here to view maps of the affected areas. We’re an agricultural state. An example of consequences are that farmers and cattlemen would be limited regarding the tilling of their soil and water runoff from their fields and pastures, and this would limit their ability to be profitable in their business. The government watershed regulations and restrictions will be extreme and oppressive. You could have no ability to decide what to do with your own property. It seems like these pro-conservation groups view wildlife as more important than humans. Many international organizations who are supporting this Blueway designation and that supposedly protect habitats and millions of designated acres use the slogan: “Leave no trace”. This means no human carbon footprint: no human presence allowed. It’s time to say, “ENOUGH! This is oppressive!” We understand that it’s important to take care of our natural resources, but federal government involvement is neither necessary nor desired. WHO? We mentioned these people, businesses, and groups who support the National Blueways System in our email from Saturday, May 18, 2013 entitled “Help Oppose the Destruction of Our Heartland!” There are over 26 stakeholder groups that support the White River Watershed National Blueway designation, including: The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission The Audubon Society Federal partners from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers The U.S. Department of Agriculture The Department of the Interior The Nature Conservancy Ducks Unlimited Several other agencies and businesses interested in environmentalism and conservation Click here to view the sponsors of this designation. WHY? Why are the same bureaucrats and NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) who, in the 1990’s tried to give the same general area a U.N. title (“United Nations Biosphere”), now trying to call it by a National Blueway title? Remember the Ozark Man and Biosphere of the 1990′s? Recall that battle. Why do bureaucrats & “do-good environmentalists” want to designate* your land without consulting you or notifying any of our Constitutional officers whom you have elected to protect you from such encroachment on your private property and on the public lands which your tax dollars maintain for your public access and enjoyment? *Don’t be deceived by flattering bureaucratic designations. Designations always lead to stronger rules and regulations for you and me and what we can do on our own property. It seems that some NGOs represent the United Nations, and the government represents some of the NGOs! Contact your Arkansas’ Governor Mike Beebe (or Missouri Governor Jay Nixon), U.S. senators and U.S. representatives , state senators and representatives, and county judges and Justices of the Peace . Call and make sure that your County Quorum Court endorses the “No Blueway” resolution. For your U.S. senators and U.S. representatives, be sure to contact them at their local office near you. See the table below for contact info. Information sent to their Washington D.C. offices could be held up for screening purposes for up to 30 days. We don’t have time for that, so we’re not including their D.C. contact info. Fax, email, and call them LOCALLY. We need to flood these local offices with protest letters and calls! WHEN? RIGHT NOW! Our time is running short! The time frame in which we may express our opposition and take action against the White River Watershed National Blueway designation is from January 9, 2013 – July 6, 2013. It’s imperative that we have volunteers from each county in Arkansas (and those affected in Missouri) to present this resolution to their county quorum courts in June 2013. Will your Justice of the Peace vote to support this resolution? It’s up to you to make sure that they do. Click here to volunteer to present the resolution to your County Quorum Court. Click here for a copy of the resolution. Share & forward this email to your entire email list! We don’t want the federal government controlling, restricting, or regulating our public or private property. It’s just that simple. Help Oppose the Destruction of our Heartland! Posted on May 18, 2013 by admin Move over, Missourians & Arkansans – the Feds are moving in! We have been looking at some very disturbing information recently regarding Arkansas and Missouri. The White River and its entire watershed were designated a National Blueway on January 9, 2013, by Ken Salazar, the Secretary of the Interior, as part of President Obama’s “Great Outdoors Initiative”. (Salazar actually initiated the “National Blueways” program on May 24, 2012, with Secretarial Order 3321 designating the Connecticut River and its watershed as the Nation’s first National Blueway.) While this may sound warm and fuzzy, it actually outlines the destruction of private land ownership and the rise of the future estate of the Federal government! This Secretarial Order appears to allow any watershed in the United States to be designated a National Blueway with no involvement of Congress or the American public. This is an infringement on our private property rights. The time for our input is NOW before the 180 days expires, which will happen in early July 2013. To read more about the purpose of this White River Watershed National Blueway designation, go to the Memorandum of Understanding. Click here to view the map of the affected area. The White River Watershed National Blueway stretches from up above Springfield, Missouri all the way down past Little Rock, and from Rogers/Fayetteville eastward past Jonesboro. It involves millions and millions of acres across 60+ counties in Arkansas and Missouri of public and private lands and waters. This National Blueway designation seems to be an Agenda 21 Program intended for implementation in Arkansas and Missouri and will be a disaster for everyone in those states. Federal bureaucrats gave no initial notification nor received any input from local county governments or the public –– which is a violation of federal law. The designation of the White River and its watershed as a National Blueway and our White River Basin guts the state, and the Federal government will control it. If this isn’t stopped, we the people will lose control of our states. The National Blueway designation brings various unelected environmental stakeholders and organizations, as well as local, state, federal, and international bureaucrats together for environmental issues in the White River Watershed area and for building a sustainable economic region. In actuality, it will be a future federal land grab under U.N. Agenda 21, and we will be used as a biosphere model for other areas in the United States. This will force many people off their land to implement U.N. Agenda 21. In fact, the White River was actually nominated as a Blueway by more than 26 stakeholder groups including: the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, the Audubon Society, federal partners from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Department of the Interior, as well as other agencies interested in environmentalism and conservation. At least two international, non-governmental organizations were involved as well: the Nature Conservancy and Ducks Unlimited. Both of these have a mindset and purpose in line with U.N. Agenda 21. Not surprisingly, Arkansas State Lawmakers and property owners were purposely left out, and no public hearings were held. Salazar’s Secretarial Order has a disclaimer: “Nothing in this Order is intended to authorize or affect the use of private property. Nothing in this Order is intended to be the basis for the exercise of any new regulatory authority, nor…affect or interfere with any Federal, state, local, and tribal jurisdiction or applicable law…” The words “Nothing in this Order is intended…” does not mean that eminent domain will not happen. The planned consequences of this Blueway are a clear and present danger to our rights, and this will put a group of unelected bureaucrats in control of policies that will influence water rights and private property, using taxpayer dollars to fund it! If this sounds vaguely familiar to you, it is. It’s nothing new. The Blueway appears to be a carbon copy of the U.S. Man and Biosphere designation that was aborted in 1996. The history of the Man and Biosphere will be forthcoming. (Some of you may have helped to stop that proposition almost 20 years ago. If so, thank you!) This proposed letter was sent out to our U.S. Senators and Congressmen this month from our Secure Arkansas Chair, Jeannie Burlsworth. ACTION to be taken: 1. Begin contacting your U.S. Senators and Congressmen IMMEDIATELY via phone, fax, AND email. Voice your protest against this National Blueway designation and forced take-over. It’s very important that we get the point across to our legislators that we do not want the National Blueway designation. Don’t just stop at one form of communication! Their names and contact information are listed below. 2. Please contact Secure Arkansas if you’re willing to volunteer to submit a resolution to your Quorum Court in June. We need to cover all 75 counties in Arkansas and several counties in Missouri. This will help restore local county governmental authority as a defense for the property rights of the people, which is the guardian of all other liberties! Click here to volunteer for this and enter your info. Arkansas’ State Constitution, Article 7, § 28 states: “The county courts shall have exclusive original jurisdiction in all matters relating to county taxes, roads, bridges, ferries, paupers, bastardy, vagrants, the apprenticeship of minors, the disbursement of money for county purposes, and in every other case that may be necessary to the internal improvement and local concerns of the respective counties. The county court shall be held by one judge, except in cases otherwise herein provided.” Counties in both states of the White River Watershed which have adopted Interim or Comprehensive Land Use and Management Plans were not notified nor included from the beginning stages of this purported “designation” as is required by federal law. Therefore, as we see it, the whole process to this point is null and void and has therefore been a waste of taxpayer dollars.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 23:55:51 +0000

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