- YEAR END THOUGHTS - Again, during the year end there are the - TopicsExpress


- YEAR END THOUGHTS - Again, during the year end there are the never ending debates about the do and dont on the mere Merry Christmas greetings in certain religion. Then as a continuity of the debate, I saw someone who is in favour of Do not greet putting up a status about the importance of buying and consuming goods and services provided by those who embrace his religion ONLY... (God knows why hes still using FB and accessing it from a smartphone or from a computer though. Angels, please, tell the man who own all that, or hes risking committing more sins...). Ehem, FYI, I am a Chinese Indonesian and a Catholic. So anyone who think of those as a blasphemy or scandalous or forbidden are free to unfriend this account. It is the least of my intention to let you committing sins without your realisation, by making you unknowingly purchasing items from someone who is not your race nor your religion. I would condemn myself for that. On top of that, I am trying to be as sympathetic as possible by putting myself in the same shoes. You could assess my analysis below, so I can assure you how serious I am about all these. -------- If I am a Catholic and must only use goods and services provided by Catholics: - Indonesia has the largest Moslems population in the world. Gosh...giving up my Singapore PR must be the biggest blunder Ive ever done!!! 99% of the goods and services here must be made by non Catholics!! OK, conclusion: I have to move out from here in order to be able to even eat one grain of rice... For start, I would have to fire my cleaners as well *headache* - FB, Microsoft, and Google. I believe they are Jews? O no...they killed Jesus!! My iphones and MacBooks ...good Lord, Steve, seems youre an atheist?? Gotta dump all that. Let me search who owns IG and Path later, perhaps I shall move the shops there. - My car is German. A chance that the owner is at least Christian? Dont tell me that hes another Jew or Atheist or a recently converted Buddhist. Not cool, owner, not cool... - My flip flops are Brazilian. High chance theyre Catholic! Finally a hit!...Wait...hopefully they arent the made in China version? If yes, Ill be doomed, man!!! Those Chinese are mostly the temple goers type! - The pashminas are mostly made in India. Sigh. Goodbye... I can almost guarantee they are Hindus. - I shall cancel my January holiday to Bali. The island is officially Hindu, mate!! How shall I cope with that? - Well, I can still keep my Paulho Coelhos books. Hes most definite a Catholic. Fiuh! ....But now I start to wonder what Herges religion was... or my Tintin collections wont pass .. - O no, I sent Idul Fitri gifts to my members, I even put up a Selamat Idul Fitri banner on my cover photo on FB :( .. - Most of my clothes have to be thrown away. They are made in China, Korea, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, to name a few... not very Catholic. - Some shoes can stay, they are Italian. Yay!! Gotta assume they are all baptised Catholics or Ill have nothing to wear!!! - The fridge is Italian... So.. Dear Smeg, would you consider manufacturing computers and smartphones? I can have them in matching retro shape & colour as my fridge. Because I think I have to throw away my gadgets :( OMG!!! What a scary world Im living in! - Suddenly feeling depressed and badly needing some hugs from my dogs. O my! I better have them baptised first before we are all going to hell!!! - Ms. Lamb, ...perhaps starting to feel the vertigo kicking in and reaching out for the pills..wait..the manufacturer... Oh for Gods sake!!!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 12:14:37 +0000

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