☀ 19世紀西方藝術運動 The 19th Century western art - TopicsExpress


☀ 19世紀西方藝術運動 The 19th Century western art movements NEOCLACISSISM: (Late 18th to Early 19th Century) This art movement was based around three things; order, simplicity of stily and symetry. In this movement the artist imitated the Greek and Roman art, as derived to this ancient cultures. 新古典主義 ( 18世紀末到19世紀早期): 以, 和 為原則 , 以古希臘羅馬藝術為典範 ROMANTISSICISM (Early to Mid 19th Century) : This movement was developed in the Middle Ages, it was caracterized by a interest in nature, imagination and emphasis on the expression of feeling, and emotions, the word that caracterized this period of art are feeling is all! 浪漫主義 ( 19世紀早期到中期) 專注在 和 的領域, 著中於表達感覺和情緒, 易言之: REALISM(Mid to Late 19th Century) : In this period the realists only painted what they could touch or see, because they only that was considered real. No more gods or heroes, no more fiction, only fact. Here the artist start built structures and building with iron. 寫實主義 (19世紀中到晚期) 題材限於可見可觸的實在, 因為他們認為那才是真的, 眾神和英雄都已消逝, 也再沒有虛構之物 ,是唯一的存在. Source: nancylara.tripod/arthistory/id20.html IMPRESSIONISM (Late 19th Century) The Romanticism movement was the forerunner to the Impressionist movement which, at the time, was a group of radical artists breaking the traditional standards of painting. Named for Claude Monet’s Impression, Sunrise, this type of painting was characterized by loose, quick brush strokes, a focus on one’s immediate impression of a scene, elimination of chiaroscuro, and painting “en plein air,” or outside. 印象主義 (19世紀晚期) 突破西方繪畫傳統標準, 名稱來自莫內的畫作< 印象. 日出 >, 以放弛快速的筆法描繪即時的景觀印象, 不用明暗法表現, 而重於繪出外界的自然光線. Source: wamtac.wordpress/art-history/19th-century-art/ 其它: (Neoclassicism Romanticism ) Orientalism (Realism) Pre-Raphaelites Arts and Crafts Realism (Impressionism) Post-Impressionism Neo-Impressionism Pointillism Symbolism Art Nouveau
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 11:42:06 +0000

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