[An Open Letter] The challenge of life... This comes as a - TopicsExpress


[An Open Letter] The challenge of life... This comes as a warning…take it as you will. Im being totally candid. Each year I invest close to $100k on improving myself as a whole. This includes body, brain, business and being…or you might put it as health, education, finances and the spiritual. With this year being no exception, Im taking a few days rest after one of my most challenging up-leveling experiences ever. It combined all four of these areas at once… And this is my statement to you regarding my experiences. In every area of our lives, we lie to ourselves. These lies have a profound effect on our results in each of the four areas and ultimately, direct our journey. Examine your lies. ------------ Heres where the B.S. begins…. And ends… In the Body segment… Ive been completing a 66 day challenge… Its constructed to have me push beyond my physical limits each day by purely being 100% committed to increase & focus each day. I train beyond breaking point, every day. Im at day 28 as I write. So what was my lie…? (I say was as this and others shifted this week) I am fit and it doesnt matter what you make me do, I love it and Im going to be able to do it… Now, dont get me wrong, Im busting my ass and I enjoy the challenge… But what a load of BS… It hurts, Im not 20 anymore, Im 43, it stops me, Im challenged to my core, I sweat like Ive just showered, I cheat sometimes, I rest longer than Im meant to, I hate it sometimes…but I believed my lie and I carried on regardless… (more on this below) ----------- In the Brain segment... I am currently studying material to allow me to 10X my freedom, growth and abundance in life. Put it this way, Im not spending my time buying every second marketing product I see online. I consume with clear and focused intent. I am planning a super specific direction going forward and this will intimately effect all of the people around me and the people I serve. So, what was my lie…? Im okay, but none of my ideas are any good and people dont want to hear what I have to say, Im lucky… This week I was reminded that this isnt reality by a couple of people I look up to and greatly respect for the contribution they have in the world, which threw me for a six…and made me ask a much deeper question of myself… ----------- In the Business segment… I was surrounded by people that believe any amount of money can be made, with a truly genuine, honest, legal and ethical approach, day in, day out, no limits, by simply serving at 100%. The stretching of my beliefs in this segment has caused something to snap, in the best possible way. So what was my lie…? I should be making more… This is a complete and utter lie, there is no should in what I am able to earn. I make exactly what I am making… ----------- And the last segment, Being… I have taken on a Spiritual Mentor of the highest caliber. I dont mean Im worshiping a God or Buddha or anything airy fairy. I mean I am being guided by a real human, one that is of the highest caliber, a being with unlimited grace, presence, humility, respect and love for self and all. Taking on an ounce of these qualities will catapult my life experience and journey no end. So what was my lie…? Im being spiritual, I sit with my legs crossed and meditate, I read spiritual books, I do yoga sometimes, eat mostly vegetarian and write in my journal every night… This is BS of the highest degree. This was me not trusting myself and putting that trust into the hands of, on the whole, pointless unfocused actions whilst dodging accountability of my own life and all that I do it in, in every moment. ----------- The examination… If you look at all the lies I was telling myself, youll see they all supported my ego, rather than reality, they supported my ego in staying the same. None of what Ive been telling myself supported my being, gave me happiness, or encouraged growth. In Fitness I was fit enough, in Spirit I was going over and above, my Brain told me I was a victim and nothing would change, and my Finances left me wanting more without direction. The specificity of language in every area of our lives either creates a positive result or a negative one. Cleaning up these four areas for me is my immediate focus, hence the Mentors in each area. No longer am I willing to settle in any one area. Now you may be thinking…Wow, I thought James had it together..? Well, Im not saying my life is a shambles, this is simply a conscious choice to keep improving, to keep extending, to keep moving forward at a higher level. I am highly critical of myself, like most, but I needed to realize that just being critical isnt the answer and it doesnt supply direction. Going beyond being critical in each segment is key… Delving deeper… Analyzing the whys… Measuring the results… Looking at things with a new perspective... As a colleague mentioned to me two days ago… Its like two Velcro covered baseballs flying through space…they each are traveling in their own direction. That direction, whether right/wrong - good/bad, has a certain momentum, and both seem perfectly directed when individually assessed. Once they collide and join, they then take on a new direction, with much more momentum… The question… Is this new direction going to get you to your target..? Our lies are these baseballs flying through our lives…each lie giving us direction and momentum, be it good/bad or right/wrong, they are colliding with our other lies, gaining momentum and eventually directing our journey for better or worse. You can apply this concept to everything in life. Ive taken a big bat to my lies this week, Ive knocked a couple clean out of the park, gone forever… The lies that had collided have now been cleaned up and have a totally new direction… This will cause even greater momentum, in the new directions. Ones that will see me racing towards my focus at a much greater rate. Ill be sure and course correct again and again… But I wanted to give you this as something to think about and then act on. You may be wondering what my new truths are that Im telling myself… Well…for Body, its:- Everyday, as I apply 100% focus and accept the choices I make around fitness and health, my mind and body improve. This allows me to love and enjoy my life/body more and more in each moment. Brain:- I am an eternal student, intentionally focused and studying towards a clear path. Business:- I am earning the exact right amount in each moment. This is not limited in any way and my mission is to share my skill with people that believe what I believe, creating harmonious win/win results that continue to expand and gain momentum. Being:- I AM unlimited grace, presence, humility, respect, compassion and love for self and all. As the four brand new baseballs now collide and build momentum I am excited about the direction they will go in. I am consciously creating a new reality and Im excited about life and all it has to hold. My personal challenges & radical change need not be yours, but I do urge you to listen…listen to the lies youre speaking to yourself… And then… Go grab a big bat…and knock a few out of the park. In service to you… James Klobasa p.s. Id love to hear your thoughts…lies or new realities… Simply message me or comment.
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 02:56:17 +0000

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