“Ascential” Numerology, The Fifth Dimension, Channeling, and - TopicsExpress


“Ascential” Numerology, The Fifth Dimension, Channeling, and The Ascended Master’s Secret. There are those rare occasions when the dimensions of a person line up, and a whole emrges in a present moment. LeBlanc (2010) discusses the quintessential self in great length in her book that is co-authored by her “heart-self” which is a channeled intelligence known as Bianca Gaia. The publishing industry has a code of procedures which recognizes only the material dimension’s authors, and thus, LeBlanc is the only recognized author in the annals of publication. But, in other “libraries,” Gaia more than exists to be recognized, she drives the events! Thus, since both authors adorn the cover of the book, and “Awe Thor” believes in the self’s multitude across dimensions, he will also recognize both authors as does LeBlanc. Therefore, the citation reference will be Gaia & LeBlanc (2010) as opposed to simply LeBlanc (2010) and will be used here forward. In this way, it is “Awe Thor” that joins LeBlanc in recognizing and celebrating the mulidimensional self along with the multidimensional reality. WARNING! Extremely Powerful Brainwave Binaural - Mind Control Power - Alpha https://youtube/watch?v=yHTb4fUHUT4 Gaia and LeBlanc (2010) welcome readers to the fifth dimension and proclaim Daine’s “tribal” and/or planter origin as Indigo. She could feel God’s presence like a flame burning within her every cell throughout her life. Her perception of God was and is different than the customary sage old man with beard… her perception of God was and is a vibratory anomaly …a luminous living wave that is external and internal in all things and everywhere. LeBlanc fet like an angel trapped in human body of a girl, imprisoned as though her wings had been stolen by fate. She felt as though her life condition was multidimensional from the outset and that her body straddled existence and desired to be free of the cycle of reincarnation by way of previous experience in the next place. Her experience has included a constant intuitive awareness of humans’ energies, additional intelligent entities present in their company, and the injuries within that were being denied acceptance. Small wonder then if Diane felt like an outsider …a traveler… a lone intelligenc outside the human family. Who among this moment that “Awe Thor” calls “Reador” can empathize? If so, why then? How? Diane’s parents decided to ease the existent path that their daughter had espied and in so doing, oppressed her true self in one light but aided her transition back into the denser third dimensional reality of day-to-day recognized and normalized reality. Diane channeled light and her parents thought to support her well being simply by stymieing the perceptions that would make a person often feel abnormal and/or dysfunctional in plain society as it was. A massive conflict raged within her awareness, and she recalls light bulbs bursting when unaccepted emotive energies teetered forth from her out of control and destructively. She felt perhaps erroneously at the time that she didn’t belong on Earth and within the wicked confines of the cold structural ramparts of the earthly existence. She begged Jesus to take her away each night, and for many years held a mistaken anger towards others, and her parents in particular, for not accepting her true self. But later, she forgave this feeling and those associated and developed a deep gratitiude for their grounding efforts. Powerful Multidimensional Self Connection - Brainwave - Binaural OM https://youtube/watch?v=dXtflK_GF3U Diane reconnected with her luminous self when life caused her to look outside of convention for solutions to health issues in her family (Gaia & LeBlanc, 2010). She awakened to the medicine of the soul and developed her innate healing energies within. Her situation was bleek in conventional terms as solutions from her material worldly existence were not forthcoming, neither from western medicine, or her studies in theology and spcial services. She then set forth to take in the understandings and knowledges within alternartive health practices suich as body work, harmonization methods like Reiki, therapeutic touch, naturopathy, magnetism, the “Lecher Antenna,” luminescence, and more, as well as meditation and creative visualization. For Diane, the world she had come to call normal faded away as she performed what the western world would call a miracle for her son. She successfully brought him from the condemned status that all of western thought could only bestow in all its worldy prowess and patronizing dis-utility. She was left with no choice thsan to believe in alternative medicine. She was freed and her son went on living and having a healthy life from then on. Diane began to grow spiruitually from that point forward, and each day revealed new conscious possibilities to her (Gaia & LeBlanc, 2010). Diane came to understand that this plane on Earth is not where the body may have spiritual experience, but where spirit being is experiencing the physical. She took on the role of radiating light and love in all actions, and all that she could call “I Am.” She came into contact with The Ascended Masters, her soul Family, and her life guides. She gathered her self into her higher dimensional family unit and together they have been traveling into light, source, and evolution ever since. She since and now encompasses the various essential goals of humans within a generalized ascenscion into higher cellular vibrational exikstence and further evolution. This affords what Diana has come to understand as Divine essence and self co-creation. Quantum Prosperity https://youtube/watch?v=TM93AXQa37w Diane became aware of her choices made prior to this earthly existence (Gaia & LeBlanc, 2010). The choice was made bu her spirit essence to become a research subject in a phenomenological and experiential foray (back) into the world of matter. That said, the human experiment is not limited to information sources at this level, but can and does access the information of the universe by way of the heart’s constantly true although oft obscured access to the infinite. Her multidimensionally true self knowledge allowed awareness of her true self to relay truth to her material self during the investigation. The higher self is Bianca Gaia, and together she and Diane traversed dimensional resource library and ethereal plane alike, unting in Love with The Masters such as Gaia, but also Kwan Yin, St Germain, Melchizedek, Sananda, and other light energy beings. Bianca explained that “I am you, and you are me…,” and what ensued was nothing short of the light fantastic in energetic experience. YOU ARMY She embarked joyfully into the matter of recalling the connection to the infinite, of reuniting with the eternal spark of life from which she emerged, and a new emergent unity wherein her cellular library became one once again with all teachings again (Gaia & LeBlanc, 2010). Gaia and Diane merged into one … a joyous yet utterly challenging condition. The time had come for Diane to affirm her divine self … and Gaia explained that all had this opportunity as a responsibility now, and but that she herself would have to proclaim this new unity just as a child wears their parent’s last name. Giai told her that this process is unlike simply channeling light in that it is a personal transformative process that requires participation. The human epic challenge now is about accepting divinity and therefore being one with God and spirit as the matter-being and the light-being ascend together. It is about saying “yes” to who one truly is, and then about continuing to remind the apparently earthbound self that all is Bliss and that there are no limits in life. Information gathering now takes on the role of assisting in the integral process within the continuing transformation into divine quintessence by way of the heart’s revelations. The fifth dimension fell from her view as a lofty and someday possible event into an emegregtn ongoing commitment, in the now, to recognize and gracefully maintain each moment of each day as it actually is in its joyful real essence. Diane had entered the fifth dimension and becime responsible for her contuing attendace therein! Thus, as Diane merged with Gaia, so too does this moment offer “Awe Thor” and “Reador” alike the realization of the same although unique Truth in their life. The Truth is … the fifth dimension has arrived. It is now up to each of us to make the ascential determination and to merge with their conscious evolutionary process. “Awe Thor” thus bursts forth and demonstrates a bold and aggregate adventurous spirit for self and fellow…a less than wanton, stabilizingly grounded, yet infinitely sensitive and ethereal, call to the glory of adventures that lie ahead anow!~ TO BE CONTINUED (Pp XIX)
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 18:50:51 +0000

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