{{{ EXPECTATION Confirms YOUR Faith }}} ARE “YOU” EXPECTING A - TopicsExpress


{{{ EXPECTATION Confirms YOUR Faith }}} ARE “YOU” EXPECTING A TURN-AROUND? What is expectation? Expectation means to have a strong desire and to be filled with anticipation and confidence in obtaining what is hoped for an expected. Romans teaches that God is able to give us hope, joy, and peace as we believe in Him, to the extent that we overflow with hope (Romans 15:13). Before you experience a supernatural turnaround, you must develop expectation for a turnaround. We all need a heavy dose of supernatural expectation. Make these five shifts in your thinking and raise your level of expectation. 1. Realize that you are God’s focus. You are marked. You are special. Paul writes, “Now may the God of hope fill you…” (Romans 15:13). God has chosen you, is with you, will strengthen, help, and uphold you. You are His focus. 2. Remember the record. Has God ever done anything for you? Has He helped you in the past? In Psalm 77, Asaph makes a decision to “remember the deeds of the LORD…the miracles of long ago” in the middle of his despair. Take some time to remember the turnarounds God has already done for you. Look expectantly for your turnaround 3. Build and exercise your faith. Faith is like a muscle. It needs to be exercised and it needs to be supplied with the right nutrients in order to grow. Exercise your faith by proclaiming your turnaround. Speak to your situation, telling it that God is bigger and can turn it around. Then feed your faith by reading and speaking the word of God (Romans 10:17). 4. Wait. Waiting is a state of being where we are the recipients, quietly expecting God to do something. George Mueller made this statement: “The most important time in prayer is the 15 minutes after you say ‘Amen.’” Ask for the turnaround, and then wait for His grace and strength in every circumstance. 5. Expect God to visit you. The Lord visited Sarah, Ruth, Hannah, and others all throughout the Bible. He reversed Sarah and Hannah’s barrenness and turned Ruth’s tragedy to triumph. When God visits you, He brings something good – healing, provision, encouragement. Expect a visitation today. Do you have low expectations? Adjust your mindset to realize that you are God’s focus, remember what God has done for you, build your faith, and wait on God’s strength Expectation through Faith is the master Key to YOU Winning and Reigning in YOUR Life Remember Today! By Divine Design YOU have been Created in the Image and His Likeness of YOUR Heavenly Father! By His Divine Power, YOU have been Authorize to have POWER, AUTHORITY and DOMINION to Reign in LIFE in the Earth in this Life… Today YOU must be aggressive Concerning the Image God Have YOU, this Image is IMPORTANT for YOUR Success In life and PLEASING the Father. TODAY! The Father See YOU as a Born WINNER, REIGNING in LIFE. This Week Brother Eddie Sincerely Love YOU and Want YOU to win and Reign In Life...
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 23:44:12 +0000

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