“Every year 1 million five-day old calves are slaughtered to - TopicsExpress


“Every year 1 million five-day old calves are slaughtered to supply the veal market.” This is a 2008 ad by Animal Liberation in Australia that I found pretty dramatic. Did you know that the veal industry is a result of the dairy industry? Well, like other mammals, a cow will only produce milk once she’s given birth. Makes sense, nature has a nasty habit of doing things completely right without the need for human intervention. But we couldn’t exploit the cows if we just let them produce milk in natural cycles, so we impregnate them (over and over again, in unnatural cycles) to keep them producing milk- for their babies, which we take away from her (we wouldn’t want all that milk going to just her baby and not a large corporate grocery store now would we?) and if we can’t use the cows (meaning if they aren’t girls who can start the cycle over again) we chain them into a veal crate so that they can’t move (hey, no one likes tough veal). Then, we finally kill the calf. Meanwhile the mother of the calf cries and searches for her lost young. Just like a human would if a human lost her child. Read more: yourdailyvegan/2011/03/23/lifespan-of-flies-is-longer-than-calves/
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 09:36:13 +0000

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