‘I started my company with my NYSC allowance’ FORTY-YEAR-OLD - TopicsExpress


‘I started my company with my NYSC allowance’ FORTY-YEAR-OLD Oluwayemisi Adesina has every reason to be happy with the success she has recorded in life. And that was how she was while she shared her life odyssey with the reporter. Adesina, the brains behind Digital Hall Nigeria Limited, an Information Communication Technology (ICT), recalled her plunge into the world of business with the meager allowance she saved during her National Youth Service Corps days. She said: “I think that there is a lesson today’s youth can learn from me. You won’t believe that I started my company with my youth service allowance. I was saving every bit of the money throughout my service year at the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) in Lagos. Although it was a bit difficult for me then, I weathered the situation. As soon as I finished my service, I set up the company and was also taking interior decoration jobs, as well as organising training on ICT for some public and private establishments.” She recalled further how she started out without an office, saying: “When I started the company, I did not have an office and that affected our operations. It was several months later that we got an office in Victoria Island. This is the lesson: young graduates who are busy looking for white collar jobs should consider starting something little and grow with it. “I had only one female staff who served as both clerk and administrative officer. Today, we operate from our office both in Lagos and Abuja, while the company has about 15 employees.” The Ikole-Ekiti-born woman revealed how she once turned down an offer to work in a new generation bank shortly after she graduated. “I had the opportunity of becoming a banker, but I turned down the offer. A new generation bank offered me employment, but I had already made up my mind not to work for anybody in my life. Hence, I rejected the mouth-watering offer. The risk I took has paid off and I am glad that I took the right decision about 15 years ago.” Despite her relative success and status, Adesina did not choose the conventional designation as Managing Director. Instead, she prefers to be addressed simply as the Director, Business Development of her own company! The reason for this, she revealed, is that “I am a very simple person who does not like carrying airs around my personality. Life has taught me to be humble because when you don’t take to arrogance and respect people around you, your height in life is limitless.” Adesina, an MBA holder with a strong background in management, said that she went into ICT and management skills training to help people in both sectors to be relevant in their respective fields of work. “I enjoy imparting knowledge in people and my passion toward contributing my quota to human capacity development in the last few years has contributed immensely to the growth and development of many public and private organizations,” she explained. Her company, Digital Hall Limited, was established and incorporated in 1998 to train and empower many people. It is an indigenous contracting company with core competence in ICT and management skills training and competency development, aimed at helping private businesses and major governmental organisations to turn potentials into high performance. She continued: “I never knew that I had a skill in lecturing, marketing and moving around until I became the Director, Business Development of Digital Hall Limited. God has been kind to us, giving us favour before the people we trained and those in high places. “Digital Hall Nigeria Limited is a commercially-minded training and competency development management company with proven business judgment, strong strategic capability, leadership and general management experience. In the last 15 years, my company has trained many people in ICT and management skills.” Speaking further on the strides recorded by her company, she said: “Since we started our organisation, we have trained many people. Many of those that we trained always improve on their productivity whenever they get back to their places of work. Some organisations do come to tell us that the person we trained has actually attended a course, maybe in attitude and decision taking. Their co-workers also confirmed that this person has really given room for a change for the short period he or she attended our workshop and seminars.” She added: “We have trained many people, especially from government parastatals like PHCN, Nigeria Ports Authority, Lagos, Oyo and Ogun States civil service, and we are in touch with Anambra State. They are interested and they are willing that we should come and run the same programme for their civil servants. Initially, our target audience was government workers. But we have also extended our services to many private organisations. “We organise management training, ICT training, engineering programme for engineers like some oil companies. We have experts from abroad who we invite to come and be our speaker and resource personnel and share their foreign experience with us. Instead of people travelling abroad for seminar or workshop, we bring them here to be part of our team, and that has really motivated many parastatals to continue doing business with us.” Speaking on some of the challenges she has faced in the course of imparting knowledge in people, Adesina said she has experienced a lot of ups and downs. She, however, maintained that her strong determination kept her going. “What I do is a job that is highly competitive. There are many consultants that we do meet and compete with. And that is why we are not relenting. We like people to assess us at the end of our seminar, workshops and conferences, and that is why at the end of the day, we give them our evaluation forms. The response of some of those that participated in the training has really strengthened us and motivated us to keep moving forward. “By diagnosing the evaluation form, it gives us the courage to know what to do. If it is like we are weak in some areas, we think of what to do. Does it involve us going to training in some of areas to equip ourselves? Should we call experts from abroad to come and train us so that we can deliver our best? “I give thanks to God that we have been able to overcome many challenges and today, we are stronger than when we started. Perseverance and having the spirit of not giving up has made us to overcome some of our challenges. The integrity and competence that we have been able to show and display to all our participants and the clients generally have also helped us to move to greater heights. We have been able to show to people through our work that we are different. “I thank God for everything, looking at where we are coming from and where we are today. We started in a small office in VI then, but now we have been able to move to Area 2, Garki in Abuja, and we are still planning more extension. Today, we have about 15 full-fledge staff and they are happy with us because we treat them very well. So, compared with where we are coming from and where we are going. We have reasons to thank God.” Although, Adesina, would be celebrating her birthday next week, she explained that she would mark her birthday by training secondary school students on ICT Digital literacy and taking care of indigent patients in a public hospital. “I’ll be organising a training on digital ICT for students of Igbogbo Secondary School, Ikorodu, Lagos State. I’ll also visit some public hospitals to assist some indigent patients with their bills in my own little way.” She did not end the chat without a word of advice for young girls, saying: “I want to admonish young girls to face their studies, because doing so is the only assurance that they can become great in life like Nigeria’s Minister of Finance, Dr. Okonjo Iweala, Hon. Abike Dabiri-Erewa, Prof. Sophie Oluwole, among others.”
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 22:04:15 +0000

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