”Keep the Body take the Mind”.…….. First day of your - TopicsExpress


”Keep the Body take the Mind”.…….. First day of your life.......and EVERYDAY after that...They will deliver you over to the: Willie Lynch Institute Training Indoctrination Facility. You will be over- saturated with it everywhere you go. Everything you see and everything you hear will have a subliminal message of your inferiority…… Remaining asleep is the key. You can then pretend it doesn’t exist, and your benefactors will make you one of their favorite pets…giving you that Farrakhan grine {{{{{{Because you have accepted your place so well}}}}}}, all is well as long as you continue to lick boots, smile and grin, dance and sing for their entertainment. I’m just going to cut to the chase and keep it real………………. Welcome to the Willie Lynch Institute Training Facility geared towards manipulating and controlling your mind for your entire life. Dumbing you down and keeping you ignorant, lifeless, confused and stagnated. Teaching you to turn the other cheek, love your enemies, turn on your own and hate yourself and everybody that looks like you for the next 40 generations. {{[if you continue to send your children through this Institute that has already done enough damage! Nothing is required of you, thinking clearly and logically is not allowed. Enlightened Negroes make for bad slaves. {{{{They keep talking and stirring up the happy Negroes, satisfied in their place in life}}}}. However, as ignorance goes, and those that profit from others ignorance, This program is 100% Full proof. You can take that money to the bank on this one……and take all of their money too…….Oh this program of poverty was designed a long time ago. And the overseers continue its status quo……and some of them find “favor” ……. All you have to do is believe everything they told you and never question any of it, even if it sounds absolutely crazy, and it makes no sense at all, just believe it, and all will go well for you: You’ll live this pie in the sky life, where a new car is a gift from Jesus, never mind that his only purpose is to assure a soul as a mediator, but we’ve been taught to be so dumb we thank Jesus and Santa for the same gifts….{[[Well, some of us anyway}}}. Sometimes the mindset of people makes me absolutely speechless…….. ~Conforming is inevitable, all you have to do is pray and wait and pray and wait and pray and wait and everything is gonna be alright. They gonna murder your children in the streets, but Jesus is going to make it better in your Spirit and help you adjust to the loss….one day…, someday, hopefully…….They gonna lynch and gun down your men and leave them there like dogs in the street, and your women will take the roles or harlots and whore, priding themselves on how much ass they can toss in the air, or unload on the street. The men will become overly feminized, seeking each to the other, tossing and turning their noses up at any female who threatens his own piece of meat……and the young men will hate one another, and kill one another at the blink of an eye, ask them later, why, “I don’t know, he looked at me wrong…The white sheet have now been exchanged for blue, black, tan and grey uniforms, they may just kill you FBB (For Being Black), but rest assured a few other eye witnesses will record it for you, good thing too, if you happen to survive……and there’s a lot of marching is going to go on…..Oh wait it’s a New year this was written last year, oh no I’m right , we marched last year too……………sighing, It’s hard to keep up with all the marches, there are so many…….Sighing, what’s wrong with WW3 and be done with it already……woe is me! And as evidence that you are on the right track, just know that your ancestors were praying and waiting too, a lot has happened since slavery……over 30 million murdered in the greatest holocaust on earth, sighing, but they got you believing that other BS….. Yep, a lot has happened since slavery. The slaves have adapted so well to their mental chains, sighing…….”They don’t even know they are slaves” ~No need to stand up and voice an opinion about the atrocities you will see. For if a man will stand for nothing….well you know the saying….. A few slaves wake up and realize, something is wrong, and they began to do the research and they too come to the same conclusion John H. Clarke came to when he said, “When they came, they had a Bible and we had the land ( Gold, Diamonds, Iron, Ore, Oil) , when they left, we had the Bible and they had the land”…….and you’ve been slaves every since…….. Now there are those who have been indoctrinated so well that they remain hopeful, I swear some could give Job a run for his money, he lost everything over and over again and even his wife said, “Why don’t you curse God and die, so those folks would wring their hands in the midst of a struggle and say, “This battle is not ours it’s the Lords”....That idiot needs to be pistol whipped back into his senses…………….. Where is a Nat Turner when you need him…………. .hang on tight now!!!! ~You will experience a journey that proves to you that you are a Willie Lynch graduate by the very things that come out of your mouth, and the very things you believe,. ~ Those graduates generally all look and act the same……. immobility, the stagnation, confusion, Stockholm Syndrome and self hate of their own people, and secretly themselves….. and they will protect and defend their captures or oppressors for the rest of their natural born lives, because dammit, if massa Charlie said so, then it must be right........ ~They will also teach their children this same principle because it makes for a better world, and a positive working environment. And there ain’t nothing like a good, cooperate, Negro….Just don’t get out of control and think you are really needed, some people really get into “we’s all equal now”, and buy into that BS of a color blind society, where all the people get along.......That drug must not work on me and I filter my own water and check it’s PH regularly…… ~No one is spared except those who see the light, and whatever light it is they are seeing , Christians don’t want to have anything to do with....because these negroes ain’t leaving this earth without that Jesus!…..and I’m okay with that....But my God, I don’t know what book they are reading. I hear the words “If God be for you- who can be against you”……..step out on any given night, at the wrong time and wrong place, and find out……. ~Those that do manage to avoid conformity to this worlds false and misguided beliefs- and they are few and far in between. The rougher ones, those hard to crack field hands, always bent on being free of Massa ,are sent off to prisons for rehabilitation where they become Muslims and pray and meditate. I wonder if the Muslims “here” believe the same thing the Muslims “there” believe, {{{{strap a bomb to yaself, blow yaself to bits and pieces and you gonna get 72 virgins in heaven}}}……. The rest of the inmates just find da lord or Jesus and are rehabilitated, so sit back and relax you are in for a ride, but things will go well for you after confirmation of your conformity: not much better, but better than the field hands always trying to run away....sighing, field hands,........{{They ALWAYS have freedom on their mind}}}........refuse to play second base! ~The Institute finds the non-conformers troublesome (Garvey, Malcolm, Martin and those two real dangerous ones, Khalid Mohammed and Patrice Lumumba), they killed him,. Khalid died of an aneurysm….but you can bet your bottom dollar they weren’t rushing to save his life, They all heard that speech, “Kill them, Kill them all, 8-80 young old cripple and crazy!”… I can hear them now…{{{That was a dangerous Negro}}}…….. I believe news through the Underground says Mugabe is the last real Afrikan standing...but they are biding their time; hes old in his 70s, I believe...he can’t live forever, and if he doesn’t train more soldiers then, Bam! They are going to revert right back where they started from, starting over, and over again, never making any real progress, stagnate, like here in the US……….I could run the statistics by you, sighing, but that becomes monotonous at times….. Hmmm I wonder which is worse African: Colonialism or America African: Willie Lynch Indoctrination. I’m betting America’s mentality is much worse ......shrugging…….except for those places I have watched video’s of Black folks in AFRICA carrying a picture of , you guessed it Jesus, utterly insane……..I guess they realized their mistake in not creating that early indoctrination in colonialism…Then again, I would expect it to be a little harder, since the original Religion came from Africa……Naaaaw!…..It would be easier to infiltrate the minds of the American Negro instead……. ~But for those of you who do little of next to nothing to earn your degree, you will excel. You will graduate with honors and get a full blown degree in................ STUPIDITY and teach it to your children.....Welcome, They appreciate your assistance in keeping this Institution alive! Please do pay close attention to all the rules 1. You will be a best supporting actor never a lead. Unless you are Denzel Washington and Halle Berry, and we know what she had to do, in Monsters Ball…why it upset Black America dearly…Even Denzel had a personal private moment at the Oscars when he said, “They got two for one this year”……meaning , well, if your are awakened you know what he meant………. 2. You will play second base, never first. Meaning you can be the best at the top of your game and overly qualified, and there will always be somebody else less qualified in front of you…. 3. When two people are talking in your midst you will be ignored, dont worry it’s a training process to teach you -YOU are nothing and not important…..{{{winking: In case you missed that in the last class, and didn’t get the memo……….It’s very subtle! 4. Whatever you say can and will be held and used against you.....You can be telling the truth, but get two white witnesses against you, and Dagnabbit YOU must be guilty of something! 5. You will take your kids to kindergarten and allow them to be stripped of their identity so that conformity is completed by the 3rd grade, and they know without a doubt they dont count and are second class citizens. They won’t know what to call it, or how to describe it, but it’s a sense and an aura we as humans put out…..You’ll notice the small changes in their behavior, personality and outlook on life- if you haven’t done your job, the self loathing and hate that comes with feeling unimportant and non existent, almost invisible unless needed or spoken to, or somehow, someway, to be made a profit off of, but does that make you useful, or just used? Don’t worry that’s a good thing, it just proves training is coming along fine...and the home work at night is to enforce ( Police, racial profiling etc) all that you have learned throughout the day… . 6. Dont worry or feel slighted when you are passed over for a promotion or position with all of your degrees and the job is given to an idiot....... YOU may have to go back in for RE-PROGRAMMING if you have a Complaining Spirit...... Complainers will be dealt with and will not be tolerated. You must learn acceptance and pretend you don’t see the BS, or >>>>>>back to RE-PROGRAMMING for you! 7. You will not fight back when hanged or lynched, or when your children murdered or persecuted, but feel free to march in the streets, in a quiet non-violent, non-disturbing, non-threatening manner: otherwise the national guard will be called to deal with any unruly insurgents and terrorist….sighing, anyway, history has already shown us that you wont be heard, but non-violence is the standard, and if you feel the need to burn and loot, burn down and loot your own shit from your own neighborhood, destroy that! Thank You- Your Enemy, the Oppressor! ~For all you Tupacs, Sojourner Truths, Malcolm’s, Martins, Tubman’s and Garvey’s…. know this, That Complaining Spirit is going to get you into trouble….You may have to go back in for RE-PROGRAMMING, if you have a Complaining Spirit. I wonder how Lauryn Hill did in that {{[winking!}} Re-Hab Diversity Program.... You know she was court mandated into a program because she kept singing Adam lives in Theory and Reeee-bellel……and white folks ain’t having that! The nerve of her trying to enlighten the people…..They thought she was crazy anyway, singing all those songs of Revolution and Mental Slavery and OMG, that wretched thought: Freedom! Lauryn Hill woke up and used her talent and voice to share the knowledge…….She’s not crazy, but surely half the world is……even if it is functionally crazy….. . Now sit back and enjoy the ride and watch this Willie Lynch institute turn Kanye’s into Kardashians……Browns into Brownies…traitors become treacherous, and that’s just in the first few episodes, and right off the bat, as soon as you are awakened, it becomes quite easy to determine who are playing the roles of angels and demons…and wait until you get to corporate America, they’ll have you bent over so backwards and sideways you’ll think it’s a new position……………... At the 2014, 2015 Willie Lynch Training Institute......
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 09:59:10 +0000

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