~New Year Prayer~ Snowflakes falling, Wide fields of white, A - TopicsExpress


~New Year Prayer~ Snowflakes falling, Wide fields of white, A wintry world, Behold the sight: Fields once green Now covered with snow, Blankets of white Where flowers did grow. Dark are the days, Gray are the skies, Barren are the trees Before my eyes. A year is ending, A new year awaits, I think of You, Jesus, Behind Heavenly gates. In the year ahead May I be more like You; Take my heart, my mind, My entire life too. Sweet renewal I find When all to You I give; So for You, my Jesus, I choose to live. In my heart Melt the blankets of snow; Allow the flame of love In my heart to grow. Plant flowers of virtue, Trees of grace too; Shine in my soul With light pure and true. And as snowflakes falling, Make my soul white; You make all things new In Your perfect Sonlight. Caroline Gavin ©Dec 2012 Purposeful Pathway Revelation 21:5 He who was seated on the throne said, I am making everything new! Then he said, Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true. *** We pray that the coming year will bring you joy, peace, good health and prosperity. Gods Blessings to You! Happy New Year!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 02:49:52 +0000

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