“Ohana means family, family means no one gets left behind or - TopicsExpress


“Ohana means family, family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.” Update on Ohana and her kittens. There can be no doubt that motherly love transcends species, this is especially so when watching the proud Ohana and her adorable kittens. Imperfectly perfect as they are, much of our day is consumed by watching them play; enraptured, as oohs and ahhs spring forth from our mouths. Noone knows reckless abandon and fun like a kitten. Their daredevil antics on their kitty tower sees everyone within eyeshot racing for their camera, but we needn’t do this, for the heartwarming images will be forever in our souls. Each of the four kittens have graduated with honours from the school of cuteness. On the health front, we can report that their little corneal ulcers are slowly being reined in with another appointment scheduled with their ophthalmologist next week. Through squinty eyes, their view of the world is indeed a changed one from the inhospitable conditions they once viewed. Toys, shiny objects and snuggly spots to sleep abound in their kitty kingdom and kind hands and soothing words round it out. Four times a day, their eyes are bathed and treated, and mandatory cuddles administered; this has ensured they have become totally at home with human company. So too, it is evident, is dear Ohana. Clearly she and humans have at one time shared close quarters. We wonder then, just what turn of circumstance has seen the poor queen cast out on the streets? At this point in time, the prognosis for the kittens sight is too close to call, although little Stitch will fair the best. Having around one-third of an eyelid, his eyes can be kept somewhat naturally flushed and lubricated. Sadly his three sisters carry the worst-case scenario for eyelid agenesis (a congenital condition were the eyelids have failed to form). The problems associated with their eyes not being able to close properly, causing hair and other debris to rub the cornea, have been compounded by the dirty and unhygienic environment they were born in. But for now the kittens rest comfortably. Their world is purrfect. Stay up to date with all our latest rescued by signing up to our blog updates here - edgarsmission.org.au/category/blog/ Want more super cute pics?! Follow us on Instagram (@edgarsmission) or download the Edgars Mission iOS app in the app store! If we could live happy and healthy lives without harming others... why wouldnt we? edgarsmission.org.au
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 09:00:01 +0000

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