*PHCN, let there be light* In the modern world, - TopicsExpress


*PHCN, let there be light* In the modern world, electricitygeneration and its efficient distribution are keys to running the society. Humanity has come to depend largely on it in running homes and industries. The late Chief Bola Ige, a politician in the mould of legacybuilders like Chief Obafemi Awolowo, had a brief stint in the power sector and was determined to make a name from it. He was made the Minister for Power by his friend, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, who was the President of Nigeria from 1999 to 2007. For reasons that were not too obvious, Chief Bola Ige must have recorded his first failure in the management of public affairs while in the power ministry. Indeed, it was during the time of the amiable Chief that the power sector witnessed one of the worst and embarrassing system collapses. Conflicting reasons were given for his apparent failure: first, sabotage of his good work by generator merchants, technocrats and civil servants. The second reason was said to be the Chief’s lack of deep understanding of technical details that power generation and distribution involved. The point was emphasised that not being an engineer, Chief Ige did not possess the technical knowhow that would have put him ahead of detractors in the sector. Yet, several years after Chief Bola Ige was murdered, the power sector had refused to improve to the level that will meet the desire of Nigerians. It is believed by some observers that the lawmakers in Nigeria can make a change in the lives of Nigerians if they could put the necessary pressure on government to make a quantum leap in powergeneration, transmission and distribution. If this kind of change will happen in Nigeria, the seriousness with which thelegislators attend to the business of lawmaking, research into good governanceand oversight functions must change. There must be unalloyed commitment to delivering to Nigerians as against concern with pecuniarygains flowing from the Chambers. Indeed, it seems to many that our lawmakers have become collaborators in undermining Nigerians. Few months after assuming theleadership of Nigeria, PresidentGoodluck Jonathan launched a Roadmap to transforming the power sector in a ceremony that was attended by captains of industries in Lagos. The President also in several chats with the media promised that several thousands of megawatts would be added to power generation and transmission lines rehabilitated.In addition, the private sector will be invited to take the lead in driving the power sector in Nigeria through deregulation. It is apt to mention that deregulation of this sector has generated clashes between thegovernment and labour that could smell rats in the way the process is unfolding. When fully deregulated, the power sector, like the telecommunication sector, will boost the Nigerian economy through massive creation of job opportunities, industrialisation and development of small businesses. It will be recalled that many factories have closedshops in Nigeria because of theproblems created by lack of power. Therefore with reversal of the trend, many manufacturing outfits that relocated to the neighbouring countries of Ghana, Ivory Coast,etc, can be persuaded to returnto Nigeria to make impact. For example, the collapse of the textile industry in Kano and Lagos could be traced to the collapse of power supply in Nigeria. President Jonathan must not fail Nigerians in the power sector and there are many compelling reasons for this. First, he must not fail because he promised to deliver power to our homes and industry while searching for votes that would get him power in 2011. Second, delivering on this promise could soften the heart of Nigerians towards him. Nigerians were indeed unhappy with President Jonathan because of the hardships that followed removal of fuel subsidy by his government early in the year 2012. Nigerians are therefore waitingfor the President to make a difference in their lives. They want him to succeed in a place where past governments have failed blatantly. And given the history of failures in this important sector, disbelief and scepticism cannot but occupy minds of Nigerians.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 07:18:12 +0000

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