“The PM must either believe that majority Malays are moderate - TopicsExpress


“The PM must either believe that majority Malays are moderate and sensible or he thinks they are the clones of Ibrahim Ali. He has to decide,” he said. Zaid recently took to his blog to call on Najib to denounce Perkasa, a request he laced with a warning and a reminder to the prime minister of Europe’s “mistake” during the German Nazi era which had taken a world war to correct. In a posting here, the former Umno man picked apart the Malay rights group’s “lunatic” and “toxic ideas” and called them a “threat to security”, saying the government needs to stop allowing the Malay rights group to run amok. “The issues this group champions are just plain ridiculous, and there is nothing in Perkasa’s struggle that merits serious consideration,” wrote the former de facto law minister. - See more at: themalaymailonline/malaysia/article/zaid-like-greece-fascism-will-grow-in-malaysia-if-perkasa-not-denounced#sthash.nNJElCq5.dpuf themalaymailonline/malaysia/article/zaid-like-greece-fascism-will-grow-in-malaysia-if-perkasa-not-denounced
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 08:47:46 +0000

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