-The present reality of South Sudan and nature of governance - TopicsExpress


-The present reality of South Sudan and nature of governance problems blighting it dictates revisiting and reexamining its federal construction because the current framework is unsustainable and trouble baiting as far as an equitable distribution of resources and future development is concern. Noting that our 75 or so counties/constituencies constitution is based on clan(s) composition, of which most, if not all, shares an internal social regulatory formula as prescribed by their cultural authorities, we should therefore fiercely advocate that these counties be turned into 75 states, which will receive their budgets or money directly from national treasury as budgeted for and approved by the parliament and national government. That means, the current 10 federal states formula should be completely abolished and start anew if we are realistically serious about realizing development and achieving durable and sustainable PEACE. Why? Because believe it or not, we have been pretending and lying for far too long that we would quickly manage to resolve our ethnic bigotry and inherent prejudices once we have achieved self-autonomy and independence from Khartoum; however, we have miserably failed in upholding this promise, NOT one but twice considering how poorly we managed and conducted ourselves following the 1972 Addis Ababa Accord, which granted us 10 years period of self-rule, and then now. Honestly speaking, lack of cultural harmony between and among several cultures within states such as: Unity, Jonglei, Upper Nile, Western Bahr El-Ghazal, Eastern Equatoria, Western Equatoria, will continue to serve as a trigger point for violent unrest because they share no common internal social regulatory formula that normally facilitates resources distribution and social conducts by those in positions of power. So, instead of focusing primarily on short terms solutions as to how the current conflict can be contained, we must also look far beyond it for ways that will help us mitigate similar occurrence in the near future unless we have succumbed to this belief that gluttony and unnecessary violence are intrinsically embedded within us. After having toyed several years with this wild idea of collective governance, there must come a time when we should examine whether it is indeed serving it well-meaning mission/objective or hurting it. I believe greed and corruption will be best dealt with and addressed once the 75 or so counties are turned into fully functioning entities that are answerable to the people they directly served as well as the parliament and national government. Though not a pessimist by nature, I sincerely believe that South Sudan current formulation of 10 states is a recipe for failure and trouble baiting, hence, those who are privileged with exploring and devising social and political policy or formula should take into account by studying closely why Greater Upper Upper Nile States have often served as hotspots for political and social violence or conflicts. It is time for us to realize that no amount of supplications and other wild fantasies will ever help cure our corrosive ills unless we confront them head-on, for we can not continue on this unsustainably troubled course. Thus, to our South Sudanese PEACE advocates and activists out there, please desist from propagating misleadingly drilled messages as talking points around the globe, and lets all explore PEACE within the context of finding lasting solutions to a myriad of problems right in full glare. It matters not the size of the share but what you do with it and how it is distributed. For example, I do not know about other communities, but in my Panaruu community, when a cow is killed (as offertory or whatever purposes) the meat is shared according to a clan based formula that allocates which parts of a cow (say legs/thighs or shoulders or ribs) goes to which clan or family. This formula ensures each one gets its shares no matter how small or big.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 10:26:26 +0000

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