WHY SNAP ELECTIONs? In World politics…It is d Opposition - TopicsExpress


WHY SNAP ELECTIONs? In World politics…It is d Opposition that runs scared when d term SNAP ELECTIONs is mentioned!? And not Govt… BUT MALACANAN IS SO SCARED THAT IT HAS NOW FLOATED LAST AUG 24 SUNDAY 2014 THAT THERE WILL BE NO ELECTIONS! HAH! Now We ask Aquino: WHY IS HE and HIS GOVT. ALLIES RUNNING SCARED AT THE MERE MENTION OF SNAP ELECTIONS (OUR FERVENT HOPE BY SEPTEMBER 2014!) THIS BRAGGART HAS SAID FOR THE XTH TIME THAT HE AQUINO IS UNBEATABLE THAT HE IS INDIPENSABLE AND NO HUMAN HAS EVER BEEN BORN WHO CAN DEFEAT HIM. (WOW!) HE LIES BY SAYING D MAJORITY EVEN NOW SUPPORT HIM. TRY AND IMPEACH ME IF U CAN! I CONTROL CONGRESS, SENATE, JUDICIARY - SC ON TOP OF MALACANAN… ALSO I CONTROL YOUR PORKBARREL FUNDS… COME AND GET ME !!! I AM MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE !!! FOOLS! Ha-ha-ha! You know why WE SAY HE IS RUNNING SCARED? Becuz on July 31, when he asked his Cabinet to support HIS Yellow Ribbon campaign against d Supreme Court… Not even one wore yellow ribbons, when they looked out d Malacanan windows… There was no one wearing yellow ribbons and no hint of d color yellow in t-shirts or pants… So what does ABNO do? He walks out of d meeting and later says “ Kung ayaw nila, eh sila na lang !!! (MEANING: HE HAS ALREADY GIVEN UP ON D PRESIDENCY DAT HE PERSONALLY FELT DID NOT SUPPORT HIM WITH HIS PDAF/DAP !) HE HAD GIVEN UP… RESIGNED ON D PRESIDENCY! TAPOS NA ANG LABANAN DI BA! CONSIDER HIM RESIGNED! THE SNAP ELECTIONS IS THE EQUIVALENT OF THE NO CONFIDENCE VOTE IN PARLIAMENTARY SYSTEMS… WHY WAIT FOR AN IMPEACHMENT PROCESS BY A CONGRESS THAT IS CONTROLLED BY AQUINO. MOST IMPORTANTLY, SNAP ELECTIONS ARE THE PEOPLE’S PARTCIPATION WHERE WE AS A PEOPLE CHOOSE THE PRESIDENT AND NOT HIS LAPDOGS AND BRIBED 188 CONGRESSMEN AND 20 SENATORS! OUR ADVOCACY IS JUST FOR SNAP ELECTIONS ON ONE POSITION ALONE! THE PRESIDENCY… SO COMELEC CAN DO MANUAL COUNTS AND REALLY DO A FAST SNAP ELECTION PROOCESS… Please Be ONE with Us in Our Advocacy: FOR IMMEDIATE SNAP ELECTIONs (As early as September, 2014) The IMPEACHMENT Route is so Process-Driven, Numbers Biased and Bribery-Prone! AND SO VERY VERY SLOW!!! We mean to really validate if Aquino has as he claims and BOASTs of his “Total Control of Our Government” and the Masang Filipino ! THAT’S US! TAYO! His Propaganda Machine has given Us NOTHING but LIES! LIES! LIES! Our Position is that Absolutely Anyone can replace ABNO. Right Now: We believe Ferdinand Bong-Bong R. Marcos is probably d Best Candidate for President. He is Ready and Can Take Over Anytime. Also, His Parents have provided him the Best Ever Skills, Knowledge, and Know-How on How BEST to REALLY MANAGE our Poverty-Stricken Archipelago, Country and PEOPLE ! BE ONE with Us ! We are PATRIOTS! WE ARE THE MOVEMENT for IMMEDIATE SNAP ELECTIONs ! (By September 2014) AND REMEMBER! ABNOY HAD ALREADY RESIGNED ON JULY 31, 2014!!!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 03:08:23 +0000

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