*** WWE RAW 3/3/2014 Results *** * Raw is live from Chicago (CM - TopicsExpress


*** WWE RAW 3/3/2014 Results *** * Raw is live from Chicago (CM Punks hometown). Raw opens with CM Punks music, but no CM Punk, instead Paul Heyman came out to the ring and sits with crossed legs like how Punk used to do. Heyman dropped his own version of a pipebomb promo. He asked why is CM Punk not around and no one can tell where had he gone. He said that the people to blame for it is every single person from the WWE Universe. He said that Punk has set a record for keeping the WWE title but couldnt beat Undertakers undefeated streak. Heyman said that he also blames The Undertaker for Punks downward spiral and he knows someone who can actually end the Streak and out comes Brock Lesnar. Lesnar gets on the mic and said unlike some people, he doesnt make promises that they cant back up and he will conquer the Streak once and for all. Suddenly, Mark Henry came out to attack The Beast but Brock was able to get the upper hand and slams The Worlds Strongest Man into the steel stairs. Brock would then nail Henry with a big F5 through the announce table to end the segment. (Note: A lot of boos during this opening from the Chicago crowd as expected) * WWE Tag-Team Championship: The Usos deafeat The New Age Outlaws to become the new Tag Team Champions! Jey Uso nailed Billy Gunn with a Superkick and a Top Rope Splash to get the win. * Big E defeated Cesaro via disqualification. During the last part of the match, Cesaro was able to hit Big E with 10 revolutions of his Cesaro Swing, but all of a sudden, Jack Swagger came in the ring and hits the Swagger Bomb on Big E causing the DQ. * The Wyatt Family beat The Shield in another well-done match. This is match is way different from their Elimination Chamber match, but told a good story on its own. Reigns and Ambrose had a lot of tension between them which ultimately led to Seth Rollins to leave them in the late part of the match, when Ambrose was about to tag him in. Seth was mad saying that he cant be the glue that holds the team together and he was alone when he went for a tag earlier. Reigns would then fight the Wyatts back, even nailing a big Spear on Erick Rowan straight to the announce table! Luke Harper would then make a dive into Reigns on the outside. Bray would then hit Ambrose with a Sister Abigail in the ring to get the win for his team, while set Rollins is on the ramp watching. (Note: The crowd was very much into this match, chanting THis is awesome in different occasions starting from the Wyatts intro until the ending of the match) * Santino Marella & Emma beat Fandango & Summer Rae. The finish saw Santino scaring Fandango away with a Cobra in his hand and Emma putting Summer Rae in the Emma-Lock for the submission victory. * Sheamus defeated Christian in a good back and forth match. Sheamus got the win with a Brogue Kick on Christian. (Note: There were lots of CM Punk chants during this match which took away some of its glory) * The Bella Twins beat Aksana & Alicia Fox. Nikki hit her finisher on Alicia for the win in this short Divas tag team match. * Daniel Bryan came out to Yes! chants from the crowd. Bryan says that he will hijack raw unless one of two things happen, either Batista comes down to fight him or Triple H accepts his Wrestlemania match offer. Triple H and Stephanie McMahon comes out to the ring. Stephanie tried to talk but a loud boo covered her speech. Bryan goes to Triple H saying that The Game screwed him off the WWE Championship multiple times, but yet he is still standing there with the WWE Universe which led to a Yes chant. Bryan once again challenged Triple H to a match at Mania. Triple H laughs and was about to speak when the crowd heavily bood him. Very loud boos but Triple H ignores them and told to Bryan that hes a B+ player so he wont fight him. Bryan would then say to Stephanie to wear Triple Hs pants and for Triple H to wear her skirt. But Triple H says that hes pretty sure, Stephanie would kick Bryans ass too. (lol) Triple H concludes that the match wont happen at Mania 30 and he wants Bryan to get out of the ring. Bryan says he wont because it is the WWE Universes ring, but HHH countered saying that everything in the arena including the fans and Bryan all belongs to him. Bryan challenges HHH to make him leave with his own power. Stephanie would then call out for Kane. Pyro explodes and Kane walking to the ring. Daniel Bryan would attack him and they brawl, Stephanie would then call for security to stop them. * Dolph Ziggler(who was with Raw Guest Host Aaron Paul) defeated Alberto del Rio. Paul distracted del Rio late in the match which allowed Ziggler to counter a Cross Armbreaker into a Zig Zag to get the win. * WWE Hall of Fame 2014: The fourth inductee is the late Paul Bearer! * Big E beat Jack Swagger via disqualification after Cesaro jumped into the ring and nailed Big E with the Neutraliser right after the bell rang. After the match, Cesaro and Swagger got face to face and they pushed each other back. Zeb Colter gets a mic and tells them to be Real Americans, even telling them to hug it out. Cesaro and Swagger did hug and they did the We The People stuff to end the segment. * John Cena came out with an injured leg and talks about his history in Chicago. The fans are booing him and are chanting CM Punk randomly. Cena would then say that change will come through him. Lights go out and the Wyatt family appear on the screen. Bray told Cena he is the reaper and he will take away everything from him. He concludes with his usual Follow the Buzzards line. * Daniel Bryan beat Batista via disqualification in the main event of the show. WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton was seated ringside during the match. During the late part of the match, Daniel Bryan was on top of the ropes when The Authoritys music played causing a distraction and Batista knocks Bryan to the floor. Batista would then throw Bryan to a watching Orton, when Orton got up he goes to the ring to attack Bryan causing the DQ. After the match, Orton tried to hit the RKO on Batista but The Animal pushed him off straight to a Daniel Bryan running knee. Bryan then was about to make a suicide dive onto Triple H outside but Batista nails him with a spear out of nowhere. Triple H and Kane gets in the ring. HHH gets a mic and says that hes tired of Bryan but before he could continue, Bryan kicks him from behind. Batista would then nail Bryan with a Batista Bomb and then HHH hits a Pedigree on Bryan as well. The Authority stands on a fallen Daniel Bryan. Triple Hs music hit and Raw ends. (Note: Crowd was very anti Batista and Triple H. They also did a lot of CM Punk chants during this last part of the show, but CM Punk didnt make his return) ************************************
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 04:33:40 +0000

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