“Why” Is the One Word that will Increase your Sales There’s - TopicsExpress


“Why” Is the One Word that will Increase your Sales There’s a very simple question not asked by almost all sales people: “Why?” The “why” will identify your prospective customers motivation. Once you do that, you will almost always make the sale. People buy things to solve a problem. So, you need to be a problem solver. This is true even with emotional purchases. When you buy your wife flowers or jewelry, you do so to solve a problem. You may say, “I love my wife and that is why I bought her a dozen roses. No, You bought the flowers to make her happy. As the old saying goes: “A happy wife is a happy life?” Figure out the problem your customer or prospects motivation and not only will you make the sale, you will make it quicker and possibly for more profit. The “why” is the fuel for every sale, what I also call the dominant buying motive. Sometimes even your customers are not clear about their motivation. It is your job to clarify this. Getting them to answer the why will crystalize the reason they are doing business with you. Here are some specific questions that can help you get to the “why” of a customer’s for a potential purchase: Why are you here today? Why do you have interest in this product? Why is this important to you? Why did you come to see me? Why did you decide to do this now? Why are you considering making this kind of investment? Let’s look at the “why” behind the person who wants to Make Money Online. The obvious reason is a desire to Work from Home, but behind the obvious you will find the real why. Let’s try it out this scenario: Why do you want to Make Money Online ? To supplement my income . But really why? If can make some extra money I can support my family better. You can try get a better job or get a second job for more money. What’s the real reason? I want to eventually quit my 9-5 job and tell my boss to shove it. So why did you pick to Work from Home and why now? Why not wait? I really want to be able to spend more time with my wife and kids now, Making Money Online seems to be the only way to more Freedom and Financial independence . Bingo. Now we finally got to the real reason: Find the motivator, the why, and you will know how to close the deal. Once I was working with a high-end watch store. A customer rushed in at lunch time asking for a specific watch. He had a type A personality and knew exactly what he wanted. When I he tried it on, I told him the price was $57,000. He looked at it in admiration and asked what kind of price he could negotiate. So I asked him “Why did you come here today?” He said he wanted to see if we had this specific watch. “Why did you stop here today and not go somewhere else?” He didn’t know what I meant. “Do you not want me here?” he asked. Of course I do. We appreciate you stopping by, love the fact that you know what you want and have such a great taste in time pieces. I’m just wondering why you decided to stop here today, not yesterday or last week or next week.” I knew digging deeper would get to the real “why” and then it came. “Well, this weekend I am going to my best friend’s wedding out in the Hamptons and I’d love to have a new watch for the occasion.” Boom. There’s the real why, the real motive and the $57,000 reason for my final question: “Would that be Amex or Visa?” He bought the watch and never brought up a discount again. Someone serious about a $57,000 watch doesn’t really need to negotiate. There are other things they value more from the purchase. Once I showed him we were both clear on why he wanted to make the purchase, it was made without hesitation. No one buys a $57,000 watch to tell time. People buy things to solve problems. The cost of the item isn’t what matters. Once the buyer is able to see the problem the product solves, their decision becomes much easier to resolve. Get to the “why” and the sale will follow. So the $57,000 question is WHY a lot of us have been trying to Make Money Online and WHY do most of us fail or make very little money. The answer is simple; When something doesn’t Make Money Online over night we get discouraged and jump to the next guru promotion that claims to Make Money Today! WHY does everyone think it won’t take a little effort and determination to succeed. Truth is… short of hitting the lottery it will never happen overnight. People !!! That’s a wake up call !!! I can tell you though, I found a family, of the Most Empowering Community I have ever been associated with. It’s truly the easiest platform for anybody to finally succeed…support is second to none. If you work the 3 simple steps to this program a couple of hours a day, you will be wearing that $57,000 watch sooner than you think. I have gone “all in” because This is Empowering. WHY ? Because I don’t have to look anywhere else. To Get Empowered is my WHY. WHY not take a look for yourself, Empower Yourself Now. It’s not free, but it’s not $57,000 either…Get in right now for 25 bucks and Get Empowered Now ….It will change your life…..Watch this Video This is Steven, I got involved because I believe in everything I wrote in this Blog. Please share with your friends and let me know your thoughts PS… Empower Yourself Now bit.ly/17fJuOc
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 00:43:05 +0000

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