... and then depression set in. About the time I begin to think - TopicsExpress


... and then depression set in. About the time I begin to think that Ive staved off the inevitable shark attack for a few more days, someone pokes a hole in my little plastic flotation device. It took close to 80 days to get my wifes short term disability (STD) to kick in and begin to pay. We jumped through every stupid hoop they threw up. We listened to and answered all of their humiliating stupid questions. We obtained and faxed in close to 90 pages of documents. Finally, they began to pay her in mid August. Well they gave her two payments in August. Then someone at Prudential decided that she was going to be able to return to work and completely without warning, they cut her off. We had sold everything we had of value to maintain from June to August. I continued to sell things to help get caught up. The generous payments we got from STD were about half her normal wage. I woke up this morning, expecting to make some more payments only to find my checking account $355 in the red because we had eleven automated payments set up and the bank was nice enough not to make those payments and charge us $35 each for not making them. I cant fault the bank, it isnt their issue. Ive called everyone I know to help step in and make Prudential understand that Judy is not going to ever return to work. The rep at the hospital human resources department said he would try but doubted it would help. Ive called her neurologist office and they said they have sent all of the info they have and there is nothing they can do. I called Prudential and he maintains that they havent received any medical reports from said neurologists office. I said that they were just re-sent. He says it will only take a week, maybe two to examine these documents IF they indeed were sent and if the documents support her claim, with any luck at all, she would begin to receive payments again in the next five to six weeks. I told him we dont HAVE five to six weeks to wait and he chuckled and said, I hear that a lot. Funny guy huh? I understand why people commit suicide. You cant win. In the mean time, I cant pay any of our bills and you aint got to be a genius to understand the avalanche of problems that sets into effect. My cell bill was due today and it is gone. They dont waste time there. My Michigan friends all complain about Consumers Energy being a problem but you aint seen moron in full effect until you work with Duke Energy. Due on the 1st? Off on the 2nd! On the up side of all of this, it will help me write a bit more passionately in my book on depression. I just had to get this vented. Ive given this matter to a bigger pair of hands. If you dont see me, youll know why. Take care, V
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 15:25:09 +0000

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