*meditation for today* The best man . . . rejoices greatly at - TopicsExpress


*meditation for today* The best man . . . rejoices greatly at the bridegroom’s voice. (John 3:29) In many parts of the world, wedding receptions require the best man to offer a toast in honor of the groom. Though sometimes a mere formality, this short speech is often a moving witness of brotherly love, as one friend rejoices at another friend’s happiness. You might call it a “John the Baptist moment,” for in today’s Gospel, we see John delighting in his supporting role as Jesus’ “best man.” In first-century Palestine, though, the best man was responsible for far more than a toast. It was his job to oversee the whole wedding and to ensure that the bride was properly escorted to the groom. John remarked that the best man “stands and listens” for the bridegroom (John 3:29). Is the best man keeping watch at the bride’s house, alert for the sound of the groom approaching in a wedding procession? Is he standing guard at the groom’s house—perhaps even outside the nuptial bedroom—after escorting the couple there? Interpretations differ, but the point is clear enough: John is rejoicing at having contributed to a happy union. His baptism has prepared a people that Jesus the Bridegroom has come to claim. God isn’t calling most of us to go out into the wilderness like John the Baptist. But he does invite us to prepare the way for other people to come to Jesus. Of course, this will happen only if we are friends with Jesus and love him ourselves. Friendship with God—who could have imagined such a privilege? Yet the Father sent his Son for nothing less than this. And Jesus himself issued the invitation and showed us the way: “You are my friends if you do what I command” (John 15:14). Today, then, let’s deepen our friendship with Jesus by trying our best to follow him. Let’s seek to widen his circle of friends by witnessing to the people around us. What joy will be ours—and theirs—both in this life and at the great wedding feast of the Lamb (Revelation 19:7)! “Holy Spirit, you filled John the Baptist with your love and empowered him to prepare the way of the Lord. Help me to follow his example of joyful, faithful service. Draw me closer to Jesus so that I can draw others to him, too.”
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 07:02:40 +0000

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