: the "Ninevites" in our lives! "Conflict is a reality of life. - TopicsExpress


: the "Ninevites" in our lives! "Conflict is a reality of life. Sometimes it occurs between individuals- interpersonal. Other times it takes place between companies or nations. Often it is caused by a clash in the thought processes, worldviews and ideologies of the parties involved. One side’s fundamental beliefs and assumptions about how best to deal with certain issues might be radically opposed to the other side’s convictions in the same area. This can lead to incompatible and conflicting goals, which if not effectively mitigated, can degenerate into violent confrontations or outright wars. Such was the case between Assyria and the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, and other surrounding nations. Assyria convinced itself that it was for the good of its neighbors, including Israel and Judah, if they were turned into its provinces. This marked the beginning of a ruthless campaign of extending its empire. Sadly, the internal turmoil characterized by assassinations and idol worship particularly weakened Israel so that it could not cope with the growing Assyrian aggression and menace. Assyria often irreparably devastated the nations it invaded. Historian Albert Kirk Grayson found inscriptions and pictorial evidence of Assyrian military exploits that included the horrible torture of its captured enemies. One of Assyria’s kings, Ashurnasirpal II, called himself “trampler of all enemies.” According to the inscriptions, Ashurnasirpal II “…defeated all his enemies [and] hung the corpses of his enemies on posts…flayed as many nobles as had rebelled against [him and] draped their skins over the piles [of corpses].” He boasted about his Mephistophelian cruelty with chilling detail: “Some I spread out within the pile, some I erected on stakes upon the pile … I flayed many right through my land [and] draped their skins over the walls…captured many troops alive: I cut off of some their arms [and] hands; I cut off of others their noses, ears, [and] extremities. I gouged out the eyes of many troops. I made one pile of the living [and] one of heads. I hung their heads on trees around the city.” Often the Assyrians dashed the heads of little babies on the wall and cut open pregnant women of the nations they attacked. Assyrian cruelty was gory and plain sick. And these are the people God called the Prophet Jonah to minister to! Nineveh was the capital of Jonah’s worst enemies. These were the same people who had razed and burned down villages in Israel. They had killed some of his relatives and friends. The hurt they had inflicted was still palpable. Just hearing someone mention Nineveh gave the prophet goose bumps and sent chills down his spine. Who didn’t know how evil those people were? And God was now insisting that he should go and preach to Nineveh! Who could even think such people had it in them to repent? Why couldn’t God just zap them all? But, God’s amazing grace transcends human feelings and desires. He never stops loving anybody regardless of how far gone they are to the “deep end.” Reality Check: Are there some Ninevites in your life and mine to whom God wishes to reveal His love through us? People who have caused undeserved irreparable hurt and damage to us or our family members? Some of them have done such vile things that we still shudder at the mere mention of their names. It is easier to anxiously wait for God to give them what they “deserve” than to care about their salvation. But, no matter how absurd this may seem, God’s desire for us and those who have hurt us is reconciliation and forgiveness without condoning the wrong, of course. Only He can do things like that. The good news is that we can give the hurt to Him and let Him guide us through the process of healing." -a devotional by Dr. Reigh Simuzoshya.
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 03:09:04 +0000

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